Teachers Become Students for a Day
Science teachers from across the San Diego Unified School
District attended a seminar at TSRI on trends in research
and the scientific marketplace.
Dedicates Two New Institutes at TSRI
A ribbon-cutting ceremony officially dedicated two new institutes
on campus: the Institute for Childhood and Neglected Diseases
and the Helen L. Dorris Institute for the Study of Neurological
and Psychiatric Disorders of Children and Adolescents.
Million Alcohol Grant Awarded to Consortium Led by TSRI Researchers
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has
funded a multi-year consortium headed by researchers at The
Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) to identify the molecular
basis of alcoholism. "Despite many years of independent study
of the biochemistry and physiology [and] systems and processes
hypothesized to be involved in alcoholism, the mechanisms
are still unclear," says TSRI Professor George F. Koob, who
is the program director of the grant.

All known forms of life use 20 amino acids and only 20. That
is, until TSRI investigator Peter Schultz and his colleagues
succeeded in adding a novel amino acid, O-methyl-tyrosine,
to the genetic code of E. coli. According to Shultz,
this is only the beginning.
viduals and to stop the spread of the virus.