Lab Members

Seth Tomchik
Principal Investigator
Dr. Tomchik received his bachelor’s degree in psychology and Ph.D. in biology from the University of Miami. His postdoctoral research at the Baylor College of Medicine and the Scripps Research Institute focused on the neuroscience of learning and memory. His current research focuses on how learning and neuronal plasticity alter the flow of information in the brain, and how these normal processes are disrupted in disease states.
Aaron Stahl
Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Stahl received a bachelor’s/master’s degree in biology from the University of Northern Iowa and a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Cincinnati. His postdoctoral research at Scripps focuses on the function of neuronal circuits underlying learning and memory.
Valentina Botero
Graduate Student
Valentina earned her bachelor’s degree in neuroscience and behavior from Mount Holyoke College. Her graduate research in the Tomchik lab is focused on studying the effects of neurofibromin loss of function on metabolic homeostasis, including feeding and basal metabolic rate.
Connor Broyles
Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Broyles earned his Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the University of Oxford, and his Masters and Bachelors degrees in cellular and molecular biology at Ruprecht-Karls Universität Heidelberg and the University of Arizona, respectfully. For his postdoctoral research, Dr. Broyles is applying his expertise in human iPS modeling of inherited disease to uncover novel molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying neurofibromin loss of function.
Genesis Omana Suarez
Undergraduate Intern
Genesis is studying to earn her bachelor's degree in Biology at the FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College. Her research in the lab focuses on dissecting how loss of Nf1 in different neuronal circuits affects spontaneous grooming behavior.
Kathleen O'Brien
Senior Laboratory Administrative Coordinator
Kathleen joined Scripps Florida in 2014. She supports Drs. Seth Tomchik, Kirill Martemyanov, and Sathya Puthanveettil in the Department of Neuroscience.