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Teijaro J.R., Studer S., Leaf N., Kiosses W.B., Nguyen N., Matsuki K., Negishi H., Taniguchi T., Oldstone M.B., Rosen H. S1PR1-mediated IFNAR1 degradation modulates plasmacytoid dendritic cell interferon-α autoamplification. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jan 19. pii: 201525356.

Teijaro J.R. Too much of a good thing: Sustained type 1 interferon signaling limits humoral responses to secondary viral infection. Eur J Immunol. 2016 Jan 18. doi: 10.1002/eji.201546224.


Iwasaki M, Ngo N, Cubitt B, Teijaro JR, de la Torre JC. General Molecular Strategy for Development of Arenavirus Live-Attenuated Vaccines. J Virol. 2015 Dec 1;89(23):12166-77. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02075-15.         

Cherie T. Ng, Brian M. Sullivan, John R. Teijaro, Andrew M. Lee, Megan Welch, Stephanie Rice, Kathleen C.F. Sheehan, Robert D. Schreiber and Michael B.A. Oldstone* Blockade of interferon beta signaling controls persistent viral infection. Cell Host and Microbe. 2015 May 13;17(5):653-61.         

Teijaro J.R. The role of cytokine responses during influenza virus pathogenesis and potential therapeutic options. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2015;386:3-22.

Sullivan BM, Teijaro J.R., de la Torre JC, Oldstone MB. Early virus-host interactions dictate the course of a persistent infection. PLoS Pathog. 2015 Jan 8;11(1):e1004588. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004588. eCollection 2015 Jan


Baccala R, Welch M.J., Gonzalez-Quintial R., Walsh K.B., Teijaro J.R., Nguyen A., Ng C.T., Sullivan B.M., Zarpellon A., Ruggeri Z.M., de la Torre J.C., Theofilopoulos A.N. and Oldstone M.B. Type I interferon is a therapeutic target for virus-induced lethal vascular damage. 2014. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Jun. 2.

Walsh, K.B.*, Teijaro, J.R.*, Brock, L.G., Fremgen, D.M., Collins, P.L., Rosen, H. and Oldstone, M.B. Animal model of respiratory syncytial virus: CD8+ T cells cause cytokine storm that is chemically tractable by sphingosine-1-phosphate 1 receptor agonist therapy. 2014. J. Virol. Jun;88(11):6281-93.           

Teijaro, J.R., Walsh K.B., Rice, S., Rosen, H. and Oldstone, M.B. Mapping the Innate Signaling Cascade Essential for Cytokine Storm during Influenza Virus Infection. 2014. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Mar 11;111(10):3799-804.

Teijaro, J.R., Walsh, K.B., Long, J.P., Tordoff, K.P., Stark, G.V., Eisfeld, A.j., Kawaoka, Y., Rosen, H. and Oldstone, M.B. Protection of Ferrets from Pulmonary Injury Due to H1N1 2009 Influenza Virus Infection: Immunopathology Tractable by Sphingosine-1-Phosphate 1 Receptor Agonist Therapy. 2014. Virology. Mar;452-453:152-7.

 * Denotes co-first author


Teijaro, J.R., Ng, C.N., Lee, A.M., Sullivan, B.M., Sheehan, K.C.F., Schreiber, R.D., De la Torre, J.C., and Oldstone M.B.  Persistent virus infection is controlled by blockade of type 1 interferon signaling. 2013. Science. 12. 340(6129):207-11.

Kang, S.G*., Liu W.H*., Lu P., Lim, H.W., Shepherd, J., Fremgen, D., Verdin, E., Qi, H., Oldstone, M.B., Teijaro, J.R# and Xiao, C#.  MiR-17~92 Family of MicroRNAs are critical regulators of T follicular helper cell differentiation.  2013. Nature Immunology. 14. 849-57.     

# Denotes co-corresponding author

Matheu M.P.,Teijaro J.R., Walsh K.B., Greenberg M.L., Marsolais D., Parker I., Rosen H., Oldstone M.B. and Michael D. Cahalan.  PlosOne. Three phases of the CD8 T cell response in the lung following H1N1 influenza infection and sphingosine-1 phosphate therapy. 2013. PlosOne. 8(3):e58033

Oldstone MB, Teijaro J.R., Walsh KB and Rosen H. Dissecting influenza virus pathogenesis uncovers a novel chemical approach to combat the infection. Virology. 2013 Jan 5;435(1):92-101.


Walsh, K.B., Teijaro, J.R., Zuniga, E.l., Welsh, M.J., Fremgen, D.M., Blackburn, S.D., Thiel, K.V., Wherry, E.J., Flavell, R.A., and Oldstone, M.B.  Toll-like receptor-7 deficiency causes lifelong viral persistence due to multiple defects in the adaptive immune response.  2012.  Cell Host and Microbe. 11(6):643-53.           

Welch, M.J., Teijaro, J.R., Lewicki, H.A., Colonna, M., and Oldstone, M.B. CD8 T cell defect of TNFα and IL-2 in DNAM-1 deficient mice delays clearance in vivo of a persistent virus infection. 2012. Virology. 429(2):163-70.


Teijaro, J.R., Turner, D., Pham, Q., Wherry, E.J., Lefrancois, L., and Farber, D.L.  Tissue Retentive lung memory CD4 T cells mediate optimal protective responses to respiratory virus infection. Journal of Immunology: 2011. Cutting Edge. 187(11): 5510-5514.

Teijaro, J.R*., Walsh, K.B*., Cahalan, S., Fremgen, D., Roberts, E., Scott F.L.,    Martinborough, E., Peach, R.J., Oldstone, M.B.,  and Rosen, H.  Endothelial cells are central orchestrators of cytokine amplification during influenza virus infection. 2011. Cell. 16;146(6) 980-991.

Walsh, K.B.*, Teijaro, J.R.*, Rosen, H., Oldstone, M.B.  Quelling the storm: Utilization of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor signaling to ameliorate influenza virus induced cytokine storm.  2011. Immunol. Res. Oct;51(1):15-25.

Hemmers, S., Teijaro J.R., Arandjelovic S., and Mowen K. PAD4-mediated neutrophil extracellular trap formation is not required for immunity against influenza infection. 2011. Plos One 6(7): e22043 ePub July 11th

Walsh K.B.*, Teijaro J.R.*, Wilker P.R., Jatzek A., Suresh M., Kawaoka Y., Rosen H., and Oldstone M.B.  The sphingosine analog AAL-R protects against human pandemic H1N1 2009 influenza virus. 2011. PNAS. 108(29) 12018-23

Popkin D.L., Teijaro J.R., Lee A.M., Lewicki H., Emonet S., de la Torre J.C., Oldstone M.B.  Expanded potential for recombinant tri-segmented LCM viruses: protein production, antibody production and in vivo assessment of biological function of genes of interest.  2011. J Virol. 85(15):7928-32.

Ayala, V. I., Teijaro, J.R., Farber, D.L., Dorsey, S.G., and Carbonetti, N.H. Bordetella pertussis Infection Exacerbates Influenza Virus Infection through Pertussis Toxin Activity.  2011. Plos One. 6(4)e19016    

Popkin, D.L., Teijaro, J.R., Sullivan, B.M., Urata, S., De la Torre, J.C., Kunz, S., Beutler, B. Oldstone, M.B.  Mbtps1 hypomorphic mutation endows resistance to persistent viral infection in a cell specific manner. 2011. Cell Host and Microbe. 9(3):212-222    

Shirey, K.A., Nhu, Q., Roberts Z., Teijaro J.R., Farber D.L., Yim K., Blanco J., and Stephanie Vogel. The anti-tumor agent 5,6-Dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA) induces IFN-b-mediated antiviral activity in vitro and in vivo. 2011. J Leukoc Biol. 89(3): 351-357


Teijaro, J.R. Page, C. Verhoeven, D. and Farber, D.L.  Memory CD4 T cells mediate enhanced viral clearance by an IFN-g-dependent mechanism. 2010. J Virol. 84(18):9217-26.

Nhu, Q. Shirley, K. Teijaro, J.R. Farber, D.L. Netzel-Arnett, S. Antalis, T.M. Fasano, A. and Vogel, S.  Novel Signaling Interactions Between Proteinase-Activated Receptor 2 (PAR2) and Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) In Vitro and In Vivo. 2010. Mucosal Immunol. 3(1):29-39


Chandran, S. Verhoeven, D. Teijaro, J.R. Fenton, M. and Farber, D.L. TLR2 engagement promotes expansive effector and memory CD4 T cell responses through early effects on DC activation. 2009. Journal of Immunology. 183(12):7832-41.

Teijaro, J.R., Njau, M., Chandran, S., Nadler, S. Hasday, J., Perez, D., and Farber, D. Inhibiting CD28 costimulation uncouples memory T cell-mediated protection and immunopathology in influenza infection. 2009. Journal of Immunology. 182(11):6834-43.

Verhoeven, D. Teijaro J.R. and Farber, D. in influenza infection.  Pulse-oximetry    accurately predicts lung pathology and the immune response during influenza infection.  2009. Virology. 390(2):151-6.


Tang, A., Teijaro, J.R., Chandran, S., Njau, M., Azimzadeh, A., Nadler, S., and Farber, D.  CTLA4 expression is an indicator and regulator of steady state CD4+FoxP3+ T cell homeostasis.  2008. Journal of Immunology. 181(3):1806-13

Verhoeven, D., Teijaro, J.R., and Farber, D. Memory T cell heterogeneity and compartmentalization in anti-viral immunity.  2008. Viral Immunology. 21(2):99-113

Lin, M., Zhang, N, Teijaro, J. R.,  Stoica, C., Bona, C., McEvoy, R., Bromberg, J., Farber, D.L., Casares, S., and Brumeanu, T.-D. (2008) A peptide-MHC II chimera favors   survival of pancreatic islets grafted in type 1 diabetic mice. 2008. Transplantation. 85(12):1717-25.  


Ndejembi, M., Teijaro, J.R., Patke, D., Bingaman A., Chandok, M., Azimzadeh, A., Nadler, S., and Farber., D.  Control of Memory CD4 T cell recall by the CD28/B7 co-stimulatory pathway.  2006. Journal of Immunology. 177(11): 7698-7706.

*Denotes co-first-author