PERV Receptors Found in Humans
A recently published study makes strides toward a more complete and objective assessment of the risks of pig to human xenotransplantation, the transplantation of organs and tissues from animals into humans.

The Evolution of a Course
"The new class, a cross-divisional feature of the curriculum, is really driven by the exciting science at TSRI," says Associate Professor M.G. Finn.

San Diego City Schools Honors TSRI
TSRI was awarded a 10-year certificate at the 21st Annual Partnerships in Education End-of-Year Celebration.

Keck Wins Breast Cancer Research Fellowship
Graduate Student Jamie Keck has won a fellowship from the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program.

Collaborations Are Everything
Associate Professor M.G. Finn, who spent much of his career in the field of organometallic chemistry, has been pursuing an interest in biology at TSRI.