Study Shows Nicotine By-Product Reacts with Proteins
"Nornicotine permanently and irreversibly modifies proteins, which can affect their overall function," says TSRI investigator Kim Janda, who is publishing the research—which has implications for diabetes, cancer, aging, and Alzheimer's disease—with Ph.D. candidate Tobin Dickerson.

Janda Elected to AAAS
TSRI Professor Kim Janda, Ely R. Callaway Chair in Chemistry and member of The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, has been elected a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) "for fundamental studies in the areas of catalytic antibodies, immunopharmacotherapy as related to cancer and drug addiction, and combinatorial chemistry and resins for organic synthesis."








Scientists Report cryo-EM Structure of Whole Integrin Molecule
"[Integrins] have a large and very complicated structure," says investigator Mark Yeager. who, with postdoctoral fellow Brian Adair, recently solved an integrin structure that is involved in blot clotting and thrombosis.