Selected Publications |2012 |2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1987-1998
Xiong, W., Grillet, N., Elledge, H., Wagner, T.F.J., Zhao, B, Johnson, K.R., Kazmierczak, P., and Müller, U. (2012). TMHS is an Integral Component of the Mechanotransduction Machienry of Cochlear Hair Cells. Cell, in press.
Franco, S.J., Gil-Sanz, C. Martinez-Garay, I., Espinosa, A., Harkins-Perry, S.R., Ramos, C., and Müller, U. (2012). Fate-Restricted Neural Progenitors in the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex. Science 337, 746-749.
Kazmierczak, P., and Müller, U. (2011). Sensing Sound: Molecules that orchestrate mechanotransduction by hair cells. Trends in Neuroscience, 35, 220-229. (Cover Article).
Borck, G., Rehman, U, Lee, K. Pogoda, H.M. Kakar, N., van Ameln, S., Grillet, N., Hildebrand, M.S., Ahmed, Z.M., Nürnberg, G., Ansar, M., Basit, S., Javed. Q., Morell, R.J., Nasreen, N., Shearer, A.E., Ahmad, A., Kahrizi, K., Shaikh, R.S., Ali, R.A., Khan, S.N., Goebel, I., Meyer, N.C., Kimberling, W.J., Webster, J.A., Stephan, D.A., Schiller, M.R., Bahlo, M., Najmabadi, H., Gillespie, P.G., Nürnberg, P., Wollnik, B., Riazuddin, S., Smith, R.J., Ahmad, W., Müller, U., Hammerschmidt, M., Friedman, T.B., Riazuddin, S., Leal, S.M., Ahmad, J., Kubisch, C. (2011). Loss-of-function mutations in ILDR1 cause autosomal-recessive hearing impairment DFNB42. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 88, 127-137
Webb, SW. Grillet, N., Andrade, L.R., Xiong, W., Swarthout, L., Della Santina, CC., Kachar, B., and Müller, U. (2011). Regulation of PCDH15 function in mechanosensory hair cells by alternative splicing of the cytoplasmic domain. Development 138, 16071-1617
Arnold, C.N., Xia, Y., Lin, P., Ross, C., Schwander, M., Smart N.G., Müller, U., and Beutler, B. (2011). Rapid identification of a disease allele in mouse through whole genome sequencing and bulk segregation analysis. Genetics, 187, 633-641.
Franco S.J., and Müller, U. (2012). Shaping our mind: molecular mechanisms of neocortical develoment. Neuron.; invited review
Franco S.J., and Müller U. (2011). Extracellular matrix functions during neuronal migration and lamination in the mammalian central nervous system. Dev. Neurobiol. 71, 889-900.
Barros, C.S., Franco, S.J., and Müller U. (2011). Extracellular matrix: functions in t he nervous system. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol.1:a005108.
Cahill, M.E., Jones, K.A., Rafalovich, I., Xie, Z., Barros, C.S., Müller, U., and Penzes, P. (2011) Control of interneuron dendritic growth through NRG1/erbB4-mediated kalirin-7 disinhibition. Mol. Psychiatry, in press
Reelin signaling regulates cadherin function through Dab1/Rap1 to regulate migration and lamination in the cerebral cortex (2011). Franco, S.J., Martinez-Garay, I., Gil-Sanz, C., Harkins-Perry, S.R., and Müller U., Neuron 69, 482-497.
Lelli, A., Kazmierczak, P., Kawashima, Y., Müller, U., and Holt, J.R. (2010). Development and regeneration of sensory transduction in auditory hair cells requires functional interaction between cadherin 23 and protocadherin 15. J. Neurosci. 30, 11259-11269.
Elledge, H.M., Kazmierczak, P., Clark, P., Joseph, J.S., Kolatkar, A., Kuhn, P., and Müller, U. (2010). Structure of the N terminus of cadherin 23 reveals a new adhesion mechanism for a subset of cadherin superfamily members. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 107, 10708-10712.
Schwander, M., Kachar, B., and Müller, U. (2010). Review Series: The cell biology of hearing. J. Cell Biol. 190, 9-20.
Pangrsic, T., Lasarow, L., Reuter, K., Takago, H., Schwander, M., Riedel, D., Frank, T., Tarantino, L.M., Bailey, J.S., Strenzke, N., Brose, N., Müller, U., Reisinger, E., and Moser, T. (2010). Hearing requires otoferlin-dependent efficient replenishment of synaptic vesicles in hair cells. Nat. Neuroscience 13, 869-876.
Grillet, N., and Müller, U. (2010). Genetics of progressive hearing loss: a link between hearing impairment and dysfunction of mechanosensory hair cells. Future Neurology, in press.
Gillespie, P., and Müller, U. (2009). Mechanotransduction by Hair Cells: Models, Molecules, and Mechanisms. Cell 139(1):33-44.
Conti, F., Felder, A., Monkley, S., Schwander, M., Wood, M., Lieber, R., Critchley, D., and Müller, U. (2009). Talin 1 and 2 are required for myoblast fusion, sarcomere assembly and the maintenance of myotendinous junctions. Development. 136:3597-3606.
Sakaguchi, H., Tokita, J. Müller, U., and Kachar, B. (2009). Tip links in hair cells: molecular composition and role in hearing loss. Current Opin. Otholaryng. Head Neck Surgery 17:388-393.
Grillet, N., Schwander, M., Hildebrand, M.S., Sczaniecka, A., Kolatkar, A., Velasco, J., Webster, J.A., Kahrizi, K., Najmabadi, H., Kimberling, W.J., Stephan, D., Bahlo, M., Wiltshire, T., Tarantino, L.M., Kuhn, P., Smith, R.J., Müller, U. (2009). Mutations in LOXHD1, an evolutionarily conserved stereociliar protein, disrupt hair cell function in mice and cause progressive hearing loss in humans. Am. J. Hum Genet. 2009, 85(3):328-337.
Grillet, N., Kazmierczak, P., Xiong, W., Schwander, M., Reynolds, A., Sakaguchi, H., Tokita, J., Kachar, B., and Müller, U. (2009). The mechanotransduction machinery of hair cells. Sci. Signal. 2, pt5.
Barros, C., Ngyen, T., Spencer, K.S.R., Nishiyama, A., Colognato, H., and Müller, U. (2009). Beta-1 integrins are required for normal CNS myelination and promote Akt-dependent myelin outgrowth. Development 136(16):2717-2724.
Radakovits, R., Barros, C.S., Belvindra, R., Patton, B., and Müller, U. (2009) Regulation of radial glial survival by signals from the meninges. J. Neurosci. 29(24):7694-7705.
Grillet, N., Xiong, W., Reynolds, A., Kazmierczak, P., Sato, T., Lillo, C., Dumont, R.A., Hintermann, E., Sczaniecka, A., Schwander, M., Williams, D., Kachar, B., Gillespie, P.G., and Müller, U. (2009) Harmonin mutations cause mechanotransduction defects in cochlear hair cells. Neuron 62(3):345-387.
Schwander, M., Xiong, W., Tokita, J., Lelli, A, Elledge, H.M., Kazmierczak, P., Sczaniecka, A., Kolotkar, A., Wiltshire, T., Kuhn, P., Holt, J.R., Kachar, B., Tarantino, L., and Müller, U. (2009). A mouse model for nonsyndromic deafness (DFNB12) links hearing loss to defects in tip links of mechanosensory hair cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA, in press.
Barros C.S., Calabrese, B., Chamero, P., Roberts, A.J., Korzus, E., Lloyd, K., Stowers, L., Mayford, M., Halpain, S., and Müller, U. (2009). Impaired maturation of dendritic spines without disorganization of cortical cell layers in mice lacking NRG1/ErbB signaling in the CNS. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA, in press.
Conti, F., Felder, A., Monkley, S., Schwander, M., Wood, M., Lieber, R., Critchley, D., and Müller, U. (2008). Progressive myopathy and defects in the maintenance of myotendinous junctions in mice that lack talin 1 in skeletal muscle. Development 135, 2043-2053.
Müller, U. (2008). Cadherins and mechanotransduction in hair cells. Current Opin. Cell Biol. 20, 557-566.
Müller, U., and Gillespie P. (2008). Silencing the cochlear amplifier by immobilizing prestin. Neuron 58, 299-301.
Du X., Schwander, M., Moresco E.M., Viviani, P., Haller, C., Hildebrand, M.S., Pak, K., Tarantion, L, Roberts A., Richardson, H., Koob, G., Najmabadi, H., Ryan, A.F. Smith, R.J., Müller, U., and Beutler, B. A catechol-O-methyltranferas that is essential for auditory function in mice and humans. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 105, 14609-14614.
Belvindra, R., Graus-Porta, D., Goebbels, S., Nave, K.-A., and Müller, U. (2007). b1 integrins ins radial glia but not in migrating neurons are essential for the formation of cell layers in the cerebral cortex. J. Neurosci, 27, 204-2717.
Kazmierczak, P.$, Sakaguchi, H. $, Tokita, J., Wilson-Kubalek, E.M., Milligan, R.A., Müller, U.*, and Kachar, B.* (2007). Cadherin 23 and protocadherin 15 interact to form tip-link filaments in sensory hair cells. Nature 449, 87-91.
$ co-first authors, * co-corresponding authors
Schwander, M., Sczaniecka, A., Grillet, N., Bailey, J.S., Avenarius, M., Najmabadi, H., Steffy, B.M., Federe, G.C., Lagler, E.A., Banan, R., Hice, R., Grabowski, L., Keithley, E.M., Ryan, A.F., Housley, G.D., Wiltshire, T., Smith, R.J.H., Tarantino, L.M., and Müller, U. (2007). A Forward Genetics Screen in Mice Identifies Recessive Deafness Traits and Reveals that Pejvakin is Essential for Outer Hair Cell Function. J Neurosci, 27, 2163-2175.
Belvindrah, R., Hankel, S., Walker, J., Patton, B.L., and Müller, U. (2007). beta1 integrins control the formation of cell chains in the adult rostral migratory stream. J Neurosci, 27, 2704-2717.
Herr, D., Grillet, N., Schwander, M., Rivera, R., Müller, U., and Chun, J. (2007). Sphingosine 1-phosphate signaling is required for maintenance of hair cells largely via activation of S12. J Neurosci, 27, 1474-1478.
Huang Z, Shimazu K, Woo NH, Zang K, Muller U, Lu B, and Reichardt LF. (2006). Distinct roles of the beta1-class integrins at the developing and the mature hippocampal excitatory synapse. J Neurosci, 26, 11208-11219.
Belvindrah, R., Nalbant, P., Ding, S., Wu, C., Bokoch, G.M., and Müller, U (2006). Integrin-linked kinase regulates Bergmann glial differentiation during cerebellar development. Mol Cell Neurosci, 33,109-125.
Senften, M., Schwander, M., Kazmierczak, P, Lillo, C., Shin, J.B., Hasson, T., Geleoc, G.S.G., Gillespie, P.G., Williams, D., Holt, J.R., and Müller, U. (2006). Physical and functional interaction between protocadherin 15 and myosin VIIa in mechanosensory hair cells. J Neurosci. 26:2060-2071.
Naylor, M.J., Li, N., Cheung, J., Lowe, E.T., Lambert, E., Marlow, R., Wang, P., Schatzmann, F., Wintermantel, T., Schuetz, G., Clarke, A.R., Mueller, U., et al. (2005). Ablation of beta1 integrin in mammary epithelium reveals a key role for integrin in glandular morphogenesis and differentiation. J Cell Biol. 171:717-728.
Li, N., Zhang, Y., Naylor, M.J., Schatzmann, F., Maurer, F., Wintermantel, T., Schuetz, G., Müller, U., Streuli, C.H., Hynes, N.E. (2005). b1 integrins regulate mammary gland proliferation and maintain the integrity of mammary alveoli. EMBO J, 24:1942-53.
Belvindrah. R., Müller, U. (2005). Integrin Signaling and Central Nervous System Development. In: Advances in Developmental Biology and Biochemistry. J. Miner (Ed). Elsevier, Cambridge, CT. Extracellular Matrix and Disease. Vol. 15, in press.
Barros, C, Müller ,U. (2005) Cell Adhesion in Nervous System Development. In: Integrins in Development. E. Danen (Ed). Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, TX, in press.
Escher, P., Lacazette, E., Courtet, M., Blindenbacher, A., Landmann, L., Bezakova, G., Lloyd, K., Müller, U., Brenner H.R. (2005). Synapes formation in skeletal muscle lacking neuregulin receptors. Science, 308:1920-23.
Müller, U. (2004). Integrins and extracellular matrix in animal models. In: Cell Adhesion. Behrens, J., Nelson, W.J. (Eds.). Springer Verlag, New York. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Vol. 165, p. 217.
Schwander, M., Shirasaki, R., Pfaff, S.L., Müller, U. (2004) b1 integrins in muscle, but not in motor neurons, are required for skeletal muscle innervation. J Neurosci. 24:8181-8191.
White, D.E., Kurpios, N.A., Zuo, D., Hassell, J.A., Blaess, S., Müller, U. ,Muller, W.J. (2004) Targeted disruption of b1 integrins in a transgenic mouse model of human breast cancer reveals an essential role in mammory tumor induction. Cancer Cell, 6:159-170.
Siemens, J., Lillo, C., Dumont, R.A., Williams, D., Gillespie, P.G., and Müller. U. (2004) Cadherin 23 is a component of the tip link in hair cell stereocilia. Nature, 428:950-955.
Söllner, C. Rauch, G.J. Siemens, J. Geisler, R., Schuster, S., Schuster, The Tübingen 2000 Screen Consortium, Müller, U., and Nicolson, T., (2004) Mutations in cadherin 23 affect tip links in zebrafish sensory hair cells. Nature, 428:955-959.
Blaess, S., Graus-Porta, D., Radakovits, R., Pons, S., Littlewood-Evans, A., Senften, M., Guo, H., Li, Y., Miner, J., Reichardt, L.F., and Muller, U.(2004) b1-integrins are critical for cerebellar granule cell precursor proliferation. J Neurosci.24(13):3402-3412.
Haas, C.S., Amann, K., Schittny, J., Blaser, B., Müller, U., Hartner, A. (2003) Glomerular and renal vascular structural changes in alpha8 integrin-deficient mice. J Am Soc Nephrol. 14(9):2288-96.
Leu, M., Bellmunt, E., Schwander, M., Farinas, I., Brenner, H.R., Müller, U. (2003) ErbB2 regulates neuromuscular synapse formation and is essential for muscle spindle development. Development 130, 2291-2301.
Schwander, M., Leu, M., Stumm, M., Dorchies, O.M., Ruegg, U.T., Schittny, Ul, and Müller, U. (2003) b1 integrins regulate myoblast fusion and sarcomere assembly. Dev. Cell, 4:673-685.
Siemens, J., Kazmierczak, P, Reynolds, A., Sticker, M., Littlewood-Evans, A, and Müller, U. (2002) The Usher syndrome proteins cadherin 23 and harmonin form a complex by means of PDZ-domain interactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., USA 99, 14946-14951.
Müller, U. (2002) Cell adhesion molecules and human disorder. In: Encyclopedia of the human genome. Nature Publication Group, in press.
Förster, E., Tielsch, A., Saum, B., Weiss, K.H., Johanssen, C., Graus-Porta, D., Müller, U., and Frotscher, M. (2002) Reelin, disabled 1, and b1-class integrins are required for the formation of the radial glial scaffold in the hippocampus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99(20):13178-13183.
Hartner, A., Cordasic, N., Klanke, B., Müller, U., Sterzel, R.B., and Hilgers, K.F. (2002) The a8 integrin chain affords mechanical stability to the glomerular capillary tuft in hypertensive glomerular disease. Am. J. Pathology 160:861-867.
Feltri, M.L., Graus-Porta, D., Previtali, S., Nodari, A., Quattrini, A., Migliavacca, B., Cassetti, A., Littlewood-Evans, A., Reichardt, L.F., Messing, A., Müller, U., and Wrabetz, L. (2002) Conditional disruption of b1 integrin in Schwann cells impedes interactions with axons. J. Cell Biol. 156:199-209.
Billy, E., Brondani, V., Zhang, H., Müller, U., and Filipowicz, W. (2001) Specific interference with gene expression induced by long double-stranded RNA in mouse embryonal teratocarcinoma cell lines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:14428-14433.
Moore, C., Leu, M., Müller, U., and Brenner, H.R. (2001) Induction of multiple signaling loops by MuSK during neuromuscular synapse formation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98:14655-14660.
Siemens, J., Littlewood-Evans, A., and Müller, U. (2001) The sound of silence: Diseases that cause deafness and disequilibrium. Futura 16:222-228.
Siemens, J., Littlewood-Evans, A., Senften, M., and Müller, U. (2001) Genes, deafness, and balance disorders. Gene Function and Disease 2:76-82.
Müller, U., and Littlewood-Evans, A. (2001) Mechanisms that regulate mechanosensory hair cell development. Trends in Cell Biology 11:334-342.
Moll, J., Barzaghi, P., Lin, S., Bezakova, G., Lochmüller, H., Engvall, E., Müller, U., and Ruegg, M.A. (2001) An agrin minigene rescues dystrophic symptoms in a mouse model for congenital muscular dystrophy. Nature 413:302-307.
Brandenberger, R., Schmidt, A., Linton, J., Wang, D., Backus, C., Denda, S., Müller, U., and Reichardt, L.F. (2001) Identification and characterization of a novel ECM protein nephronectin that is associated with integrin a8b1 in the embryonic kidney. J. Cell Biol. 154:447-458.
Graus-Porta, D., Blaess, S., Senften, M., Littlewood-Evans, A., Damsky, C., Huang, Z., Orban, P., Klein, R., Schittney, J.C., and Müller, U. (2001) b1-class integrins regulate the development of laminae and folia in the cerbral and cerebellar cortex. Neuron 31:367-379.
Littlewood-Evans, A., and Müller, U. (2000) Stereocilia defects in the sensory hair cells of the inner ear in mice deficient in integrin a8b1. Nature Genet. 24:424-428.
Müller, U., and Brändli, A.W. (1999) Cell adhesion molecules and extracellular matrix constituents in kidney development and disease. J. Cell Sci. 112:3855-3867.
Hartner, A., Pröls, F., Schöcklmann, H., Müller, U., and Sterzel, R.B. (1999) a8 integrin in glomerular mesangial cells and in experimental glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int. 56:1468-1480.
Sutterlüty, H., Chatelain, E., Marti, A., Wirbelauer, M., Senften, M, Müller, U., and Krek, W. (1999) p45SKP2 promotes p27Kip1 degradation and induces S phase in quiescent cells. Nature Cell Biol. 1:207-214.
Müller, U. (1999) A static receptor turns dynamic: Integrin dependent signaling in neuronal growth cones and at synaptic sites. ISN News 2:43-44.
Denda, S., Reichardt, L.F., and Müller, U. (1998) Identification of osteopontin as a novel ligand for integrin a8b1 and potential roles for this integrin-ligand interaction in kidney morphogenesis. Mol. Biol. Cell 9:1425-1435.
Denda, S., Müller, U., Crossin, K.L., Erickson, H.P., and Reichardt, L.F. (1998) Utilization of a soluble integrin-alkaline phosphatase chimera to characterize integrin a8b1 receptor interactions with tenascin: murine a8b1 binds to the RGD site in tenascin-C fragments, but not to native tenascin-C. Biochemistry 37:5464-5474.
Vainio, S., and Müller, U. (1997) Inductive tissue interactions, cell signaling, and the control of kidney organogenesis. Cell 90:975-978.
Müller, U., Wang, D., Denda, S., Meneses, J., Pedersen, R., and Reichardt, L.F. (1997) Integrin a8b1 is critically important for epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during kidney morphogenesis. Cell 88:603-613.
Varnum-Finney, B., Venstrom, K., Müller, U., Kypta, R., Backus, C., Chiquet, M., and Reichardt, L.F. (1995) The integrin receptor a8b1 mediates interactions of motorneurons and DRG neurons with tenascin-c. Neuron 14:1213-1222.
Müller, U., Bossy, B., Venstrom, K., and Reichardt, L.F. (1995) Integrin a8b1 promotes attachment, cell spreading and neurite outgrowth on fibronectin. Mol. Biol. Cell 6:433-448.
Müller, U., and Krypta, R. (1995) Molecular genetics of neuronal adhesion. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 5:36-41.
Müller, U., Kleinberger, T., and Shenk, T. (1992) Adenovirus E4orf4 protein reduces phosphorylation of c-fos and E1A proteins while simultaneously reducing the level of AP-1. J. Virol. 66:5867-5878.
Engel, D., Müller, U., Gedrich, R., Eubanks, J.S., and Shenk, T. (1991) Induction of c-fos mRNA and AP-1 DNA binding activity by camp in cooperation with either the adenovirus 243 or 289 amino acid E1A protein. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:3957-3961.
Toth, M., Müller, U., and Doerfler, W. (1990) Establishment of de novo methylation patterns: Transcription factor binding and deoxycitidine methylation at CpG and non-CpG sequences in an integrated adenovirus promoter. J. Mol. Biol. 214:673-683.
Müller, U., Roberts, M., and Shenk, T. (1990) Adenovirus E1A protein and camp act in concert to activate transcription of AP-1 and ATF/CREB binding site containing promoters. In: Structure and Function of Nucleic Acids and Proteins. F. & C.W. Wu (eds.), Raven Press, New York.
Müller, U., Roberts, M., Engl, D., Doerfler, W., Shenk, T. (1989) Induction of transcription factor AP-1 by adenovirus E1A protein and camp. Genes Dev. 3:1991-2002.
Weisshaar, B. Langner, K.D., Juettermann, R., Müller, U., Zock, C., Klimkait, T., and Doerfler, W. (1988) Reactivation of the methylation-inactivated late E2A promoter of adenovirus type2 by E1 functions. J. Mol. Biol. 202:255-270.
Doerfler, W., Langner, K.-D., Knebel, D., Hoeveler, A., Müller, U., Lichtenberg, U., Weisshaar, B., and Renz, D. (1987) Eukaryotic gene inactivation by sequence-specific promoter methylation and the release of the transcription block. In: Architecture of eukaryotic genes. B. Kahl (ed.), Springer Verlag, New York.
Müller, U., and Doerfler, W. (1987) Fixation of the unmethylated or the 5’ –CCGG-3” methylated adenovirus late E2A promoter-CAT gene construct in the genome of hamster cells: Gene expression and stability of methylation patterns. J. Virol. 12:3710-3720.
Xiong, W., Grillet, N., Elledge, H., Wagner, T.F.J., Zhao, B, Johnson, K.R., Kazmierczak, P., and Müller, U. (2012). TMHS is an Integral Component of the Mechanotransduction Machienry of Cochlear Hair Cells. Cell, in press.
Franco S.J., and Müller, U. (2012). Shaping our mind: molecular mechanisms of neocortical development. Neuron, invited review
Franco, S.J., Gil-Sanz, C. Martinez-Garay, I., Espinosa, A., Harkins-Perry, S.R., Ramos, C., and Müller, U. (2012). Fate-Restricted Neural Progenitors in the Mammalian Cerebral Cortex. Science 337, 746-749.
Franco, S.J., Martinez-Garay, I., Gil-Sanz, C., Harkins-Perry, S.R., and Müller U. (2011) Reelin signaling regulates cadherin function through Dab1/Rap1 to regulate migration and lamination in the cerebral cortex.Neuron 69, 482-497.
Kazmierczak, P., and Müller, U. (2011). Sensing Sound: Molecules that orchestrate mechanotransduction by hair cells. Trends in Neuroscience, 35, 220-229.
Grillet, N., Xiong, W., Reynolds, A., Kazmierczak, P., Sato, T., Lillo, C., Dumont, R.A., Hintermann, E., Sczaniecka, A., Schwander, M., Williams, D., Kachar, B., Gillespie, P.G., and Müller, U. (2009) Harmonin mutations cause mechanotransduction defects in cochlear hair cells. Neuron 62, 345-387.
Gillespie, P., and Müller, U. (2009). Mechanotransduction by Hair Cells: Models, Molecules, and Mechanisms. Cell 139, 33-44.
Grillet, N., Kazmierczak, P., Xiong, W., Schwander, M., Reynolds, A., Sakaguchi, H., Tokita, J., Kachar, B., and Müller, U. (2009). The mechanotransduction machinery of hair cells. Sci. Signal. 2, pt5.
Müller, U., and Gillespie P. (2008). Silencing the cochlear amplifier by immobilizing prestin. Neuron 58, 299-301.
Kazmierczak, P.$, Sakaguchi, H., Tokita, J., Wilson-Kubalek, E.M., Milligan, R.A., Müller, U.*, and Kachar, B.* (2007). Cadherin 23 and protocadherin 15 interact to form tip-link filaments in sensory hair cells. Nature 449, 87-91.$ First author from Mueller laboratory, * co-corresponding authors
Escher, P., Lacazette, E., Courtet, M., Blindenbacher, A., Landmann, L., Bezakova, G., Lloyd, K., Müller, U., and Brenner H.R. (2005). Synapes formation in skeletal muscle lacking neuregulin receptors. Science 308, 1920-1923.
Siemens, J., Lillo, C., Dumont, R.A., Williams, D., Gillespie, P.G., and Müller. U. (2004) CDH23 is a component of the tip link in hair cell stereocilia. Nature 428, 950-955.
Söllner, C., Rauch, G.J., Siemens, J., Geisler, R., Stephan, S., The Tübingen 2000 Screen Consortium, Müller, U., and Nicolson, T. (2004). Mutations in cadherin 23 affect tip links in zebrafish sensory hair cells. Nature 428, 955-959Schwander, M., Leu, M., Stumm, M., Dorchies, O.M., Ruegg, U.T., Schittny, J, and Müller, U. (2003). b1 integrins regulate myoblast fusion and sarcomere assembly. Dev. Cell 4, 673-685.
Graus-Porta, D., Blaess, S., Senften, M., Littlewood-Evans, A., Damsky, C., Huang, Z., Orban, P., Klein, R., Schittney, J.C., and Müller, U. (2001). b1 class integrins regulate the development of laminae and folia in the cerebral and cerebellar cortex. Neuron 31, 367-379.
Littlewood-Evans, A., and Müller, U. (2000). Stereocilia defects in the sensory hair cells of the inner ear in mice deficient in integrin a8b. Nature Genet. 24, 424-428.