1. R. L. Lamichhane, J. Liu, R. Pauszek III and D. P. Millar, “Fluorophore Labeling, Nanodisc Reconstitution and Single-Molecule Observation of a G Protein-Coupled Receptor”, Bio-Protocol, 7, e2332 (2017). PMID: 29170748.

2. D. P. Millar and J. Trewhella, “ Editorial overview--New frontiers of biophysical methods: tools for structural biology and beyond” Curr Opin Struct Biol, 28, viii-x (2014).

3. G. Pljevaljcic, R. M. Robertson-Anderson, E. J. C. Van der Schans and D. P. Millar, "Analysis of RNA Folding and Ribonucleoprotein Assembly by Single-Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy", in Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 875, W. M. Bujalowski (Ed.), 271-295 (Springer, 2012).

4. G. Pljevaljčić and D. P. Millar, "Single-Molecule Fluorescence Methods for the Analysis of RNA Folding and Ribonucleoprotein Assembly", In Ludwig Brand & Michael L. Johnson, editors: Methods in Enzymology, Volume 450, Burlington: Academic Press, 2008, pp 233-252.

5. D. P. Millar, "Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Nucleic Acids", Biopolymers Nucleic Acid Sciences, 61, 143-144 (2002).

6. D. Klostermeier and D. P. Millar, "Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer: A Versatile Tool for the Analysis of Nucleic Acids", Biopolymers Nucleic Acid Sciences, 61, 159-179 (2002).

7. M. F. Bailey, E. H. Z. Thompson and D. P. Millar, "Probing DNA Polymerase Fidelity Mechanisms using Time-Resolved Fluorescence Anisotropy", Methods, 25, 62-77 (2001).

8. D. P. Millar, "Application of Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy to Studies of DNA-Protein Interactions and RNA Folding", in New Trends in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Springer Verlag, pp 425-438 (2001).

9. D. Klostermeier and D. P. Millar, "RNA Conformation and Folding Studied with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer", Methods, 23, 240-254 (2001).

10. D. P. Millar, "Time-Resolved Fluorescence Methods for the Analysis of DNA-Protein Interactions", Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 323, Energetics of Biological Macromolecules, Part C, pp 442-459 (2000).

11. E. H. Z. Thompson and D. P. Millar, "Analysis of DNA-Protein Interactions by Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy", in DNA-Protein Interactions, A Practical Approach, M. Buckle and A. Travers (eds), Oxford University Press, pp 291-306 (2000).

12. M. Yang and D. P. Millar, "Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer as a Probe of DNA Structure and Function", Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 278, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, pp 417-444 (1997).

13. D. P. Millar, "Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy", Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 6, 637-642 (1996).

14. D. P. Millar, "Fluorescence Studies of DNA and RNA Structure and Dynamics", Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 6, 322-326 (1996).