- Conti, B. & Hansen, M. A Cool Way to Live Long. Cell 152, 671-672 (2013)
- Morrison, B. E., Marcondes, M. C., Nomura, D. K., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Saar, I., Kim, K. S., Bartfai, T., Maher, P., Sugama, S. & Conti, B. Cutting Edge: IL-13Ralpha1 Expression in Dopaminergic Neurons Contributes to Their Oxidative Stress-Mediated Loss following Chronic Peripheral Treatment with Lipopolysaccharide. J Immunol 189, 5498-5502 (2012)
- Bartfai, T., & Conti, B. Molecules affecting hypothalamic control of core body temperature in response to calorie intake. Frontiers in Genetics, 3, 184 (2012)
- Dinarello, C., Arend, W., Sims, J., Smith, D., Blumberg, H., O'Neill, L., Goldbach-Mansky, R., Pizarro, T., Hoffman, H., Bufler, P., Nold, M., Ghezzi, P., Mantovani, A., Garlanda, C., Boraschi, D., Rubartelli, A., Netea, M., van der Meer, J., Joosten, L., Mandrup-Poulsen, T., Donath, M., Lewis, E., Pfeilschifter, J., Martin, M., Kracht, M., Muehl, H., Novick, D., Lukic, M., Conti, B., Solinger, A., Kelk, P., van de Veerdonk, F. & Gabel, C. IL-1 family nomenclature. Nat Immunol 11, 973 (2011)
- Nomura, D. K., Morrison, B., Blankman, J. L., Long, J. Z., Kinsey, S. G., Marcondes, M. C., Ward, A. M., Lichtman, A. H., Hahn, J. K., Conti, B. & Cravatt, B. F. Endocannabinoid hydrolysis generates brain prostaglandins that promote neuroinflammation. Science 334, 809-813 (2011)
- Sanchez-Alavez, M., Alboni, S., Conti, B. Sex- and age-specific differences in core body temperature of C57Bl/6 mice. Age 33.1, 89-99 (2011)
- Alboni, S., Cervia, D., Sugama, S., & Conti, B. Interleukin 18 in the CNS. Journal of Neuroinflammation 7, 9 (2010)
- Tabarean, I., Morrison, B., Marcondes, M. C., Bartfai, T. & Conti, B. Hypothalamic and dietary control of temperature-mediated longevity. Ageing Res Rev 9, 41-50 (2010)
- Cottone, P., Sabino, V., Roberto, M., Bajo, M., Pockros, L., Frihauf, J. B., Fekete, E. M., Steardo, L., Rice, K. C., Grigoriadis, D. E., Conti, B., Koob, G. F. & Zorrilla, E. P. CRF system recruitment mediates dark side of compulsive eating. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106, 20016-20020 (2009)
- Conti, B. Considerations on temperature, longevity and aging. Cell Mol Life Sci 65, 1626-1630 (2008)
- Zorrilla, E. P., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sugama, S., Brennan, M., Fernandez, R., Bartfai, T. & Conti, B. Interleukin-18 controls energy homeostasis by suppressing appetite and feed efficiency. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104, 11097-11102 (2007)
- Conti, B., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Winsky-Sommerer, R., Morale, M. C., Lucero, J., Brownell, S., Fabre, V., Huitron-Resendiz, S., Henriksen, S., Zorrilla, E. P., de Lecea, L. & Bartfai, T. Transgenic mice with a reduced core body temperature have an increased life span. Science 314, 825-828 (2006)
- Conti, B., Sugama, S., Lucero, J., Winsky-Sommerer, R., Wirz, S. A., Maher, P., Andrews, Z., Barr, A. M., Morale, M. C., Paneda, C., Pemberton, J., Gaidarova, S., Behrens, M. M., Beal, F., Sanna, P. P., Horvath, T. & Bartfai, T. Uncoupling protein 2 protects dopaminergic neurons from acute 1,2,3,6-methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine toxicity. J Neurochem 93, 493-501 (2005)
- Solforosi, L., Criado, J. R., McGavern, D. B., Wirz, S., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sugama, S., DeGiorgio, L. A., Volpe, B. T., Wiseman, E., Abalos, G., Masliah, E., Gilden, D., Oldstone, M. B., Conti, B. & Williamson, R. A. Cross-linking cellular prion protein triggers neuronal apoptosis in vivo. Science 303, 1514-1516 (2004)
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