
          Conti Lab


  1. Conti, B. & Hansen, M. A Cool Way to Live LongCell  152, 671-672 (2013)
  2. Morrison, B. E., Marcondes, M. C., Nomura, D. K., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sanchez-Gonzalez, A., Saar, I., Kim, K. S., Bartfai, T., Maher, P., Sugama, S. & Conti, B. Cutting Edge: IL-13Ralpha1 Expression in Dopaminergic Neurons Contributes to Their Oxidative Stress-Mediated Loss following Chronic Peripheral Treatment with Lipopolysaccharide. J Immunol   189, 5498-5502 (2012)
  3. Bartfai, T., & Conti, B. Molecules affecting hypothalamic control of core body temperature in response to calorie intakeFrontiers in Genetics3, 184 (2012)
  4. Dinarello, C., Arend, W., Sims, J., Smith, D., Blumberg, H., O'Neill, L., Goldbach-Mansky, R., Pizarro, T., Hoffman, H., Bufler, P., Nold, M., Ghezzi, P., Mantovani, A., Garlanda, C., Boraschi, D., Rubartelli, A., Netea, M., van der Meer, J., Joosten, L., Mandrup-Poulsen, T., Donath, M., Lewis, E., Pfeilschifter, J., Martin, M., Kracht, M., Muehl, H., Novick, D., Lukic, M., Conti, B., Solinger, A., Kelk, P., van de Veerdonk, F. & Gabel, C. IL-1 family nomenclatureNat Immunol  11, 973 (2011)
  5. Nomura, D. K., Morrison, B., Blankman, J. L., Long, J. Z., Kinsey, S. G., Marcondes, M. C., Ward, A. M., Lichtman, A. H., Hahn, J. K., Conti, B. & Cravatt, B. F. Endocannabinoid hydrolysis generates brain prostaglandins that promote neuroinflammationScience 334, 809-813 (2011)
  6. Sanchez-Alavez, M., Alboni, S., Conti, B. Sex- and age-specific differences in core body temperature of C57Bl/6 miceAge 33.1, 89-99 (2011)
  7. Alboni, S., Cervia, D., Sugama, S., & Conti, B. Interleukin 18 in the CNSJournal of Neuroinflammation 7, 9 (2010)
  8. Tabarean, I., Morrison, B., Marcondes, M. C., Bartfai, T. & Conti, B. Hypothalamic and dietary control of temperature-mediated longevityAgeing Res Rev 9, 41-50 (2010)
  9. Cottone, P., Sabino, V., Roberto, M., Bajo, M., Pockros, L., Frihauf, J. B., Fekete, E. M., Steardo, L., Rice, K. C., Grigoriadis, D. E., Conti, B., Koob, G. F. & Zorrilla, E. P. CRF system recruitment mediates dark side of compulsive eatingProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106, 20016-20020 (2009)
  10. Conti, B. Considerations on temperature, longevity and agingCell Mol Life Sci 65, 1626-1630 (2008)
  11. Zorrilla, E. P., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sugama, S., Brennan, M., Fernandez, R., Bartfai, T. & Conti, B. Interleukin-18 controls energy homeostasis by suppressing appetite and feed efficiencyProc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104, 11097-11102 (2007)
  12. Conti, B., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Winsky-Sommerer, R., Morale, M. C., Lucero, J., Brownell, S., Fabre, V., Huitron-Resendiz, S., Henriksen, S., Zorrilla, E. P., de Lecea, L. & Bartfai, T. Transgenic mice with a reduced core body temperature have an increased life spanScience 314, 825-828 (2006)
  13. Conti, B., Sugama, S., Lucero, J., Winsky-Sommerer, R., Wirz, S. A., Maher, P., Andrews, Z., Barr, A. M., Morale, M. C., Paneda, C., Pemberton, J., Gaidarova, S., Behrens, M. M., Beal, F., Sanna, P. P., Horvath, T. & Bartfai, T. Uncoupling protein 2 protects dopaminergic neurons from acute 1,2,3,6-methyl-phenyl-tetrahydropyridine toxicity. J Neurochem 93, 493-501 (2005)
  14. Solforosi, L., Criado, J. R., McGavern, D. B., Wirz, S., Sanchez-Alavez, M., Sugama, S., DeGiorgio, L. A., Volpe, B. T., Wiseman, E., Abalos, G., Masliah, E., Gilden, D., Oldstone, M. B., Conti, B. & Williamson, R. A. Cross-linking cellular prion protein triggers neuronal apoptosis in vivoScience 303, 1514-1516 (2004)

For a full list of publications please click here.
