

J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer. (2013) DNA Damage: Alkylation. In: Lennarz, W.J. and Lane, M.D. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 2, pp. 9-15. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

*Invited book chapter.

O.J. Wilkinson, V. Latypov, J.L. Tubbs, C.L. Millington, R. Morita, H. Blackburn, A. Marriott, G. McGown, M. Thorncroft, A.J. Watson, B.A. Connolly, J.A. Grasby, R. Masui, C.A. Hunter, J.A. Tainer, G.P. Margison and D.M. Williams. Touching base with arginine: distinguishing alkylated guanines for DNA repair. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012, 109(46):18755-60. PMC3503161.

V.F. Latypov, J.L. Tubbs, A.J. Watson, A.S. Marriott, G. McGown, M. Thorncroft, O.J. Wilkinson, P. Senthong, A. Butt, A.S. Arvai, C.L. Millington, A.C. Povey, D.M. Williams, M.F. Santibanez-Koref, J.A. Tainer, G.P. Margison. Atl1 Regulates Choice between Global Genome and Transcription-Coupled Repair of O6-Alkylguanines. Molecular Cell, 2012, 47(1):50-60. PMC3398191

J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer. P53 conformational switching for selectivity may reveal a general solution for specific DNA binding. EMBO Journal, 2011, 30, 2099-100. PMC3117650

J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer. Alkyltransferase-like proteins: Molecular switches between DNA repair pathways. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2010, 67(22):3749-62. PMC3088651

*Invited review and cover article.

J.M. Aramini, J.L. Tubbs, S. Kanugula, P. Rossi, A. Ertekin, M. Maglaqui, K. Hamilton, C.T. Ciccosanti, M. Jiang, R. Xiao, T.-t. Soong, B. Rost, T.B. Acton, J.K. Everett, A.E. Pegg, J.A. Tainer, G.T. Montelione. Structural basis of O6-alkylguanine recognition by a bacterial alkyltransferase-like DNA repair protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(18):13736-41. PMC2859536

Q. Fang, S. Kanugula, J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer, A.E. Pegg. Repair of O4-alkylthymine by O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferases. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(11):8185-95. PMC2832970

J.L. Tubbs, V. Latypov, S. Kanugula, A. Butt, M. Melikishvili, R. Kraehenbuehl, O. Fleck, A. Marriott, A.J. Watson, B. Verbeek, G. McGown, M. Thorncroft, M.F. Santibanez-Koref, C. Millington, A.S. Arvai, M.D. Kroeger, L.A. Peterson, D.M. Williams, M.G. Fried, G.P. Margison, A.E. Pegg, J.A. Tainer. Flipping of alkylated DNA damage bridges base and nucleotide excision repair. Nature, 2009, 459(7248):808-13. PMC2729916

*Reviewed by Faculty of 1000. Please see: F1000 Recommendations, Dissents and Comments for [Tubbs JL et al., Nature 2009, 459(7248):808-13]. Faculty of 1000, 12 Oct 2012;

Q. Fang, A. Noronha, S.P. Murphy, C.J. Wilds, J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer, G. Chowdhury, F.P. Guengerich, A.E. Pegg. Repair of O6-G-alkyl-O6-G interstrand cross-links by human O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase. Biochemistry, 2008, 47(41):10892-903. PMC2632579

J.L. Tubbs, A.E. Pegg, J.A. Tainer. DNA Binding, Nucleotide Flipping, and the Helix-Turn-Helix Motif in Base Repair by O6-Alkylguanine-DNA Alkyltransferase and its Implications for Cancer Chemotherapy. DNA Repair (Amst), 2007, 6(8):1100-15. PMC1993358

*Invited review.

J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer, E.D. Getzoff. Crystallographic Structures of Discosoma Red Fluorescent Protein with Immature and Mature Chromophores: Linking Peptide Bond Trans-Cis Isomerization and Acylimine Formation in Chromophore Maturation. Biochemistry, 2005, 44(29):9833-40.

J.L. Tubbs, J.A. Tainer, E.D. Getzoff. DsRed Green-to-Red Chromophore Maturation. Biochemistry, In preparation.

J.L. Tubbs. Controlling Chromophore Structural Chemistry and Environment by Structure-Based Design. The Scripps Research Institute Ph. D. Thesis, September 2004.