Structure of Nitric Oxide Synthase Oxygenase Dimer with Pterin and Substrate.

B.R. Crane, A.S. Arvai, D.K. Ghosh, C. Wu, E.D. Getzoff, D.J. Stuehr and J.A. Tainer.

Science 279, 2121-2126, 1998.
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Pterin interactions in the substrate-binding channel. Electron density showing well-ordered H4B bridging the dimer interface.
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Stereoviews of the NOS a-bfold and dimer assembly.
(A) The symetric iNOSox dimer viewed along the crystallographic twofold axis.
(B) iNOSox dimer shown rotated 90 degrees about the horizontal axis from (A).
(C) Solvent-accessible surface of the iNOSox dimer color-coded by residue conservation.
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Residue function, secondary structure and contributions to the dimer interface mapped onto the iNOS sequence.
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The iNOSox dimer interface.
(LEFT) Ca trace of one iNOSox subunit dissociated from the dimer and viewed directly into the dimer interface.
(STEREO-RIGHT) The buried surface of the dimer interface color-coded by residues contributed from the regions categorized and colored in LEFT.
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Conformational changes in the iNOSox subunit on dimerization.
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Pterin interactions in the substrate-binding channel. Stereoview of the hydrogen bond network coupling pterin binding, dimerization, L-Arg binding and heme activity.
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Ligand binding in the active center.
(A) The H4B-bound iNOSox dimer (yellow carbons, red oxygens, and blue nitrogens) without substrates or inhibitors, viewed down the active channel and shown with its sA-weighted 2Fobs-Fcalc electrond densit map (contours: purple - 1.4s, red - 4.0s, cyan - 10s.
(B) L-Arg in the substrate binding site from a view rotated roughly 180 degrees about the vertical axis compared to (A).
(C) SCit in the substrate binding site viewed as in (B).
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