Giving Opportunities

Scripps Research is one of the premier research institutions in the world. It is a crown jewel of American science. If we care about science in America, we must care about the research institutions where some of the best science is done.
Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most influential scientists in the history of the world, wrote, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” At Scripps Research, we’re expanding the frontiers of scientific knowledge in our labs and in our classrooms. We understand the importance of contributing to the centuries-long progression of scientific knowledge, of informing and inspiring the next generation. We are training the scientific giants of the future.
Endowed Fellowships
When you endow a student fellowship at our Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences, you support the intellect and enthusiasm that sends scientific discovery in bold new directions...and benefits countless lives. Graduates of our nationally ranked program fan out across the world, carrying with them elite training and going on to make important contributions to programs that improve the human condition. With every subsequent achievement, the impact of your initial endowment of a student fellowship expands exponentially.
Students come from all over the world to study here. What they study, what they learn, what they discover and invent will impact the lives of millions.
Summer Internships
Each year, a select number of high-performing college students from across the country are invited to perform cutting-edge research at Scripps Research. During this 10-week internship, each student is paired with a faculty mentor based on scientific interest. Early guidance leads to independent research resulting in the presentation of a formal research paper. By supporting a student’s participation in this program, you ignite ambition and encourage the pursuit of advanced training.
My summer experience confirmed my desire to continue my education and work in academic research as a graduate student.
High School Internships
For science to advance, we need the intellect and insight of diverse minds. That’s why we’re committed to igniting an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) subjects in young adults, especially individuals from groups currently underrepresented in science. Our eight-week internship program for high school students integrates a lively introduction to the riches of the science world with a memorable, hands-on experience in our labs. Students emerge with a new appreciation for how research improves human health and an enthusiasm for helping to solve scientific challenges. By supporting a high school internship, you’re helping seed the discoveries of tomorrow.
This is an environment that embraces and empowers women. We are dedicated to training the next generations of women (and men) scientists.
In today’s competitive funding environment, scientists often spend more than 30 percent of their time applying for grants from government agencies and private foundations. That time and valuable talent could be better spent in the lab pursuing new treatments for intractable diseases.
For early-career researchers, the task of acquiring sufficient funding for laboratory assistants and equipment can be especially burdensome. While these rising stars may have the most revolutionary ideas—the kind that can produce extraordinary breakthroughs—they usually haven’t yet assembled a track record that wins grants. They need a champion, someone to share their mission of discovering new medicines that benefit humanity.
Faculty Start-up Packages
If you’ve ever wanted to give someone wings, this is your opportunity. By funding a faculty start-up package at Scripps Research, you send a promising young scientist straight to the lab to focus on investigation and discovery. Your backing actually accelerates the delivery of new medicines.
Once a researcher achieves prominence, it becomes even more critical to facilitate and protect investigative time in the laboratory. A fully endowed chair allows a scientist at the top of their game to focus on intriguing paths of inquiry. As an emblem of esteem, it also attracts other exceptional scientific talent to the institute. Thus, endowing a faculty chair confers exponential value to both scientific discovery and Scripps Research.
Endowed Faculty Chairs
When you endow a faculty chair, you ensure that scientific research dedicated to an area of your interest continues…forever. In addition, you have the opportunity to name the chair, ensuring that you or a loved one will be honored for their generosity and impact on science for generations to come.