
A Mobile App for Coronary Artery Disease Genetic Risk

Many conditions affecting our health are caused by a combination of our environment, our behaviors and our genes. While we can alter some factors in our lives to reduce our chances of developing different diseases (e.g. not smoking cigarettes), the contribution from our genetic risk encoded by our DNA remains with us throughout our lives.

Scientists are still trying to determine the entirety of genetic factors that influence disease, but for some conditions it has been shown that the factors identified thus far can begin to identify people at high to low genetic risk. Looking across your genome, we can calculate your cumulative genetic risk score—which can be used to rank your genetic risk compared to the other worldwide populations.

Study Information

Impact of polygenic risk communication: An observational mobile application-based coronary artery disease study, npj Digital Medicine, March 2022

Genotype imputation and variability in polygenic risk score estimation, Genome Medicine, November 2020

Moving Beyond Clinical Risk Scores with a Mobile App for the Genomic Risk of Coronary Artery Disease, bioRxiv, January 2017
