Charlotte Hobbs, MD, PhD
Charlotte Hobbs’ research has focused on the etiology of pediatric conditions across numerous multi-site clinical studies. For over two decades, she has discovered genetic, epigenetic, and environmental factors responsible for structural birth defects and other rare disorders. In her role as the Vice President for Research and Clinical Management, Dr. Hobbs oversees research and clinical activities in Rapid Precision Medicine™ medicine utilizing rapid whole-genome sequencing to make genetic diagnoses in critically ill infants and children. She oversees a team of investigators, physician investigators, health care educators, health care providers and project managers .
Dr. Hobbs, a physician-scientist, holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, and an MD from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Dr. Hobbs is Board Certified in Pediatrics and Clinical Informatics.