Biophysics and Biochemistry Core

The Biophysics and Biochemistry (B2) Core Facility is home to a variety of equipment, as well as a skilled staff who can offer services, training and support.

Research applications include:

  • Measurement of hydrodynamic properties of macromolecules
  • Determination of molecular oligomerization and stoichiometry
  • Secondary structure analysis of proteins, peptides, and RNA
  • Molecular size and shape measurements
  • Fluorescence signal
  • Molecular interaction measurements
  • Gel and western-blot imaging and analysis
  • And much more…..
  • Equipment Rental – B2 core equipment is available to access at a per-hour or per-half hour rate. Some equipment may be rented by the day to save on cost. All equipment requires training by skilled core personnel.  Some limited theory training may also be available.  Equipment rental services are currently only offered to Scripps Research personnel.
  • Direct Experimentation – The B2 core offers direct measurements of submitted samples by skilled personnel. Because of the dynamic nature these experiments, there is no set fee for each measurement. Direct experimentation is available to both Scripps Researchers and outside institutions. Please inquire with the core director for details.
  • Experimental Consultations – The B2 core offers free consultations to Scripps Researchers to ensure proper experimental design and maximize the chance of a successful experimental outcome.

Instruments Include

      • Liquid Handling

  • Hourly rates are based on either a per-hour usage, or full-day fees. Initial equipment usage will require some training, with an associated minimal training fee. Currently, equipment rental is for Scripps Research personnel only and is not available for outside researcher labs.
  • Charges for experiments performed by the core include equipment rental, personnel time required to perform a successful experiment, and the not-for profit status of the requesting researcher lab. For direct experimentation charge estimates, please contact the core directly with the details of your experimental parameters and preferred technique.
  • Below is a rental price list for equipment housed in the B2 core.
Rental Price Per Hour Maximum Hours* Minimum Hours**

Biacore S200 (SPR) (includes daily consumable charge, excluding chips)

$45.00 8 1
OctetRed96 (BLI) (includes daily consumable charge, excluding biosensors) $42.00 8 1
OctetR8 (BLI) (includes daily consumable charge, excluding biosensors) $47.00 8 1
MicroCallTC (ITC) $45.00 8 1
Refeyn TwoMP (MP) (includes daily consumable charge) $50.00 8 1
Monolith NT.115 (MST) $45.00 - 1
Nanoquant Cuvette and Plate Reader $20.00 - 1
Cary Eclipse Fluorimeter $20.00 8 1
Cary 100 UV Spec. w/ temp control $25.00 - 1
Typhoon IP (Phosporimager) $20.00 - 0.5
Biorad Chemidoc MP $20.00 - 0.5
Optima XL-1 (AUC) $150/run 12 1
Jasco J815 (CD) $45.00 8 1
Odyssey M Imager $20.00 - 0.5
Core Direct Experimentation Service $100.00 - -

**Maximum number of hours charged in a 24-hour period (full day price).

**Minimum number of hours charged for a given piece of equipment

Biacore S200 - Optimization & 1 Sample (triplicate)

Each additional Sample

$760.00 + consumables**


OctetR8/red96 - Optimization & 1 Sample (triplicate)

Each additional Sample

$460.00 + consumables**


Circular Dichroism

Simple CD,

Single wavelength temp

Multi-wavelength temp




Isothermal Titration Calorimetry - Optimization & 1 Sample (triplicate)

Each additional Sample



Optima XL-1 (AUC, Absorbance only) - Optimization & 1 Sample $150/run $50/sample

*For other services including: MST, Mass Photometry, Fluorescence, or UV-Vis, contact us for a quote.

**Prices are subject to change due to project variabilities; customers will be notified before any change in billing.

All equipment can be scheduled via internal BCore scheduling system. Most equipment reservations must be cancelled within 24 hours to avoid fees. Please contact core personnel for more information.

Contact, Map and Directions

Scripps Research, California Campus
Skaggs Institute (Molecular Biology Building)
10596 North Torrey Pines Road, MB 117
La Jolla, CA 92037 

The B2core is always looking to expand its instrument inventory. Please contact core personnel if you have equipment you think would make a good addition to this core. 

Phil Ordoukhanian, PhD
Sr. Director
(858) 784-2675

Savni Prabhu
Research Assistant I

Seolhwa Oh
Research Technician