Gel/Blot Imager
This documentation system images blots and gels using a variety of white, UV, and single wavelength light sources. Light sources include:
- White light for imaging of SDS PAGE and other gel formats.
- UV Trans imaging of agarose and other gel formats.
- Fluorescence for imaging of gels and blots. Wavelengths include:
- Trans-UV, 302 nm excitation
- Trans-blue, 450−490 nm
- Epi-blue, 460−490 nm excitation
- Epi-green, 520−545 nm excitation
- Epi-red, 625−650 nm excitation
- Epi-far red, 650−675 nm excitation
- Epi-near IR, 755−777 nm excitation
- Chemiluminescence for imaging blots
Chemidoc MP
$10/0.5 hours (internal pricing only)
20 minute training