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Scripps Laboratories for tRNA Synthetase Research

Scott Auerbach, Ph.D.

Photo of Scott Auerbach, Ph.D.


University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA:  B.A., Biology, 1987
University of Texas, Austin, TX:  Ph.D, Molecular Biology, 2004

While at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, studying ICAM-1 (Intracellular Adhesion Molecule I) outside-in signaling in human endothelial cells, I made the unexpected discovery that the cytoplasmic tail of ICAM-1 has an affinity for glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GlyRS).  I am currently continuing my research into the possibility that GlyRS plays a novel role in receptor-mediated cell signaling, and the relevance that such a function might play in certain pathologies, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.  I am also interested in how transmembrane proteins regulate the properties of the cytoskeleton during specific cell motility events (e.g. leukocyte transendothelial migration, metastatic migration and invasion), and whether GlyRS can function as a novel mediator of outside-in signaling for multiple receptors.


  1. Alcaide P, Auerbach S, Luscinskas FW. Neutrophil recruitment under shear flow: It’s all about endothelial cell rings and gaps. Microcirculation 2009; 16: 43-57
  2. Alcaide P, Newton G, Auerbach S, Sehrawat S, Mayadas TN, Golan DE, Yacono P, Vincent P, Kowalczyk A, Luscinskas FW. P120-Catenin regulates leukocyte transmigration through an effect on VE-cadherin phosphorylation. Blood 2008; 112: 2770-9
  3. Auerbach SD, Yang L, Luscinskas FW. Endothelial ICAM-1 functions in adhesion and signaling during leukocyte recruitment. In: K. Ley ed. Adhesion Molecules: Function and Inhibition. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhauser 2007.
  4. Auerbach SD, Johnson KA. Alternating site ATPase pathway of rat conventional kinesin. J. Biol. Chem. 2005; 280: 37048-60
  5. Auerbach SD, Johnson KA. Kinetic effects of kinesin switch I and switch II mutations. J. Biol. Chem. 2005; 280: 37061-8


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