B.S Microbiology - University of Madras, Chennai, India. August 1998
M.S Microbiology - Bangalore University, Bangalore, India.August 2000
Ph.D. Biochemistry - University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. May 2007
Current Research Focus
Homologs of the editing domain of AlaRS are distributed across the three kingdoms of life. They are present as free-standing proteins and are known to edit misacylated tRNAAla molecules. My research focuses on trying to understand the mechanism of editing by the AlaRS-domain containing protein AlaXp in higher eukaryotes.
Another project involves the GlyRS enzyme and its role in CMT disease. Specifically our research endeavors are focused on trying to elucidate the molecular mechanism and cellular mode of action of mutant GlyRS enzymes, which are known to be associated with manifestation of disease symptoms.
Colgate-Palmolive Graduate Award - for outstanding scientific research and demonstrating high potential for a successful career in industry, October 2006.
Best Poster Award - Biochemistry Fall Research Conference, Urbana, IL, September 2006.
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award - 18th Annual Cell & Mol. Biol/Mol. Biophy. Research Symposium, Urbana, IL, October 2005.
List of Publications