I began my university studies in the University of Nancy I (France), where I obtained a Masters in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Then I completed my studies with a Masters in Biotechnology in Montpellier II (France). This accomplishment allowed me to candidate to a 3-years Ph.D. fellowship jointly funded by the DGA (French army) and the CNRS, the main French academic research organization, for preparing a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Structural Virology at the laboratory of Architecture and Function of Biological Macromolecules (AFMB, CNRS UMR7257, Marseille) under the supervision of Dr. Sonia Longhi. I defended my thesis in December 2013 and received my Ph.D. degree from the Aix-Marseille University in which I have authored eight scientific publications focused on the biochemical and biophysical characterization of the nucleoproteins and the phosphoproteins from paramyxoviruses and a review on the molecular mechanisms of transcription and replication in Mononegavirales members.
Current research focus:
My research is focused on elucidating the nuclear partnership of the Tyrosyl tRNA synthetase (TyrRS) in order to assess the non-canonical functions of this enzyme in the nucleus and understand the molecular mechanisms of TyrRS involvement in the Charcot-Marie-Tooth (DI-CMTC) disease.
Selected publications
Blocquel, D., Habchi, J., Durand, E., Sevajol, M., Ferron, F., Erales, J., Papageorgiou, N., and Longhi, S. (2014). Coiled-coil deformations in crystal structures: the Measles virus phosphoprotein multimerization domain as an illustrative example. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr Pt. 6 70:1589-603.
Xue, B., Blocquel, D., Habchi, J., Uversky, A., Kurgan, L., Uversky, V., and Longhi, S. (2014). Structural disorder in viral proteins. Chem Rev 114: 6880-911.
Blocquel, D., Beltrandi, M., Erales, J., Barbier, P., and Longhi, S. (2013). Biochemical and structural studies of the oligomerization domain of the Nipah virus phosphoprotein: evidence for an elongated coiled-coil homotrimer. Virology 446:162-172.
Blocquel, D., Habchi, J., Costanzo, S., Doizy, A., Oglesbee, M., and Longhi, S. (2012). Interaction between the C-terminal domains of measles virus nucleoprotein and phosphoprotein: a tight complex implying one binding site. Protein Sci 21:1577-85.
Blocquel.,D., Habchi, J., Gruet, A., Blangy, S., and Longhi, S. (2012). Compaction and binding properties of the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of Henipavirus nucleoprotein as unveiled by deletion studies. Mol Biosyst 8:392-410.