5th Annual Torrey Pines Optical Technology Symposium

November 17th - 18th, 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your interest in the TPOT Series. This year we are fortunate to have a great selection of speakers that should prove interesting to all researchers utilizing flow technologies.

The lectures will be held in the Valerie Temkin Auditorium in the Scripps Green Hospital. Free parking will be available across the street in MEM as well as inexpensive pay parking at the hospital. This site is easy walking distance from the rest of the Scripps campus and two beautiful hotels.

Registration is open to the public and there is no fee. However, we strongly encourage registration as this will help us better organize the symposium and lunch logistics.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 858-784-8251. I am looking forward to seeing all of you this November!

Alan Saluk
Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility

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Are you attending Core Managers Workshop on the evening of Thursday, November 11?Yes    No 
Will you be joining us for lunch on the 12th?Yes    No 
   Meal Preferences:
   Pork     Chicken    Vegetarian