Paulson Laboratory

Cory Rillahan

The Scripps Research Institute
10550 North Torrey Pines Road, MEM-L71
La Jolla, CA 92037
858-784-9683 (phone)
858-784-9690 (fax)

09/2003 to 05/2007: B.S. (Life Sciences - Biochemistry) Tufts Univeristy, Medford, MA (USA)
08/2007 to present: D.Phil. (Chemical Biology) The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA (USA)

Professional Training/Experience
2006 to 2007: Undergraduate Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Tufts University, Medford, MA (USA), Advisor: Prof. David H. Lee
2007 to present: PhD Candidate, Department of Chemical Physiology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA (USA), Advisor: Prof. James C. Paulson

2005: The Anna Quincy Churchill Award, Excellence in general biology - Awarded by Tufts University
2006: Summer Research Scholar - Awarded by Tufts University
2007: The Class of 1947 Victor Prather Prize, Who has demonstrated excellence in scientific research, enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge, and a dedication to scholarly achievement - Awarded by Tufts University
2007: The Durkee Scholarship, Who has demonstrated high promise and achievement in the field of chemistry - Awarded by Tufts University
2007: Member of Phi Beta Kappa, a national honor society
2010: Travel Stipend to attend Sialoglyco 2010, Institute for Cellular Chemistry
2010: Travel Stipend Award - Society of Glycobiology Meeting
2010 to 2012: NIH Interdisciplinary Training Program in Immunology, Grant #5T32AI007606
2012: International Travel Award - GlycoT Meeting

  • O'Reilly MK, Collins BE, Han S, Liao L, Rillahan C, Kitov P, Bundle DR, and Paulson JC. Bifunctional CD22 Ligands use Multimeric Immunoglobulins as Protein Scaffolds in Assembly of Immune Complexes on B cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2008, 130:7736-7745.
  • Rillahan CD and Paulson JC. Glycan Microarrays for Decoding the Glycome. Ann. Rev. Biochem. 2011, 80:797-823.
  • Rillahan CD, Brown SJ, Register AC, Rosen H, and Paulson JC. High-Throughput Screening of Sialyl- and Fucosyltransferases. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50:12534-12537.
  • Rillahan CD, Antonopolous A, Lefort CT, Sonon R, Azadi P, Ley K, Dell A, Haslam SM, and Paulson JC. Global Metabolic Inhibitors of Sialyl- and Fucosyltransferases Remodel the Glycome. Nat. Chem. Bio., 2012, 8:661-668.
  • Rillahan CD, Schwartz E, McBride R, Fokin VV, and Paulson JC. Click and Pick: Identification of Sialoside Analogues for Siglec-Based Cell Targeting. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl., 2012, 51(44):11014-11018.