
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Demonstrate Long-Sought Drug Candidate Can Halt Tumor Growth
Researchers from the Janda and Vogt labs have uncovered a "credit card-like" molecule that can disrupt a central step in the progression of such cancers as Burkitt’s lymphoma.

Chemists Uncover Powerful New Click Chemistry Reactivity
The research from the Sharpless lab opens the doorway to powerful new tools for making drugs, plastics and unprecedented smart materials.

Team Successfully Targets Common Mutation in Lou Gehrig’s Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia
Scientists led by Professor Matthew Disney of TSRI and Professor of Neuroscience Leonard Petrucelli of the Mayo Clinic have for the first time successfully designed a therapeutic strategy targeting a specific genetic mutation causing these diseases.

A Gene Linked to Disease Found to Play a Critical Role in Normal Memory Development
The new findings from the Puthanveettil lab could have implications for the development of future treatments for Huntington’s disease.

Team Awarded $4.4 Million to Investigate 10-Minute DNA Sequencing Technology
The Ghadiri lab is working on technology that holds promise to improve patient care, such as cancer treatment.


Jin-Quan Yu Wins ACS Elias J. Corey Award; John Yates II Receives ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry; Denis Malyshev and Floyd Romesberg Win Nobel Laureate Signature Award; Peter Schultz Named Top Translational Researcher; Travis Hughes Wins NIH Pathway to Independence Award; Stephanie Sillivan Receives Early Career Award