
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Team Creates Most Detailed Picture Ever of Membrane Protein Linked to Learning, Memory, Brain Disorders
The new understanding promises to have a major impact on drug discovery efforts.

Scientists Shed Light on Deadly Immune ‘Storm’ Caused by Emergent Flu Infections
The findings from the Oldstone and Rosen labs also clarify the workings of a potent new class of anti-inflammatory compounds that prevent this immune overreaction in animal models.

Agreement Streamlines New TSRI-GNF Collaborations
At a lecture at TSRI February 25, GNF Director H. Martin Seidel noted there are plentiful opportunities to collaborate.


Dale Boger Wins Award for Outstanding Cancer Research; Ludovic Autin Named Finalist in Science Art Competition