
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Help Unravel a Central Mystery of Alzheimer’s Disease
The findings from the Polleux lab show that brain damage in Alzheimer’s disease is linked to the overactivation of an enzyme called AMPK.

Team Finds Interferon, One of the Body’s Own Proteins, Induces Persistent Viral Infection
The findings from the Oldstone lab suggest a new approach to clearing infections from AIDS to hepatitis.

Scientists Illuminate Elusive Mechanism of Widely Used Click Reaction
The findings from the Fokin lab will help chemists improve and expand the reaction.

Karen Marcus to Assist Scripps Florida with Government and Community Relations
“I’m delighted we’ll have the benefit of Karen’s insights and knowledge of the Palm Beach community,” said TSRI President and CEO Michael A. Marletta.


Kudos: Peter K. Vogt Wins International Cancer Research Award; Joel Buxbaum Honored with NYU Biotechnology Award