
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

New Chemistry Method Simplifies Late-Stage Modification of Drug Compounds
A new technique from the Yu Lab overcomes a long-standing problem in organic chemistry.

To Forget or to Remember? Memory Depends on Subtle Brain Signals, Scientists Find
The Davis and Martemyanov Labs seek to understand how brains erase and store memories.

Good Cells Gone Bad
The Lipton Lab discovers chemical reaction called PINK-SNO[W]

New Findings to Help HIV Scientists Establish ‘Template’ for Potent Antibodies
Scientists with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative Neutralizing Antibody Center at TSRI uncover process key to HIV vaccine design.

The Scripps Research Institute Welcomes Renowned Data Scientist Amalio Telenti
“Dr. Telenti is an important addition to TSRI’s world-class faculty roster.”


CONNECT Honors Richard Lerner For Contributions to Life Science Innovation; Graduate Student Murat Kilinc Receives Autism Speaks Fellowship

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