
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scripps Florida Scientist and Collaborators Win $7 Million Grant to Develop New ALS Treatments
Professor Matthew Disney and colleagues have been awarded $7.2 million from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

San Diego Team Tests Best Delivery Mode for Potential HIV Vaccine
Optimized immunizations reliably elicit protective antibodies in preclinical study, marking an important milestone on the way to an effective HIV vaccine.

Firefly Gene Illuminates Ability of Optimized CRISPR-Cpf1 to Efficiently Edit Human Genome
Scripps Florida scientists have improved a state-of-the-art gene-editing technology to advance the system’s ability to target, cut and paste genes within human and animal cells.

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