
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Chemists Achieve New Technique with Profound Implications for Drug Development
The method from the Yu lab expands options for making pure batches of “one-handed” molecules.

New Studies Bring Scientists Closer to Combating Dangerous Unstable Proteins
The results from the Wiseman lab point to new therapies for systemic amyloid diseases, which damage the heart, kidney and gut.

Revealing Protein Flexibility: The Griffin Lab Advances HDX Technology
Professor Pat Griffin and his Scripps Florida colleagues Bruce Pascal and Devrishi Goswami are pioneering a technology that sheds light on drug development targets.

Joseph Kissil Named Scripps Florida 2014 Outstanding Mentor
The Outstanding Mentor Award celebrates principal investigators who demonstrate accessibility, supportiveness, propensity for providing constructive criticism and concern for mentees’ careers.


Gerald Joyce Elected to the National Institute of Medicine

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