
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Letter from Richard Gephardt
The chair of the TSRI Board of Trustees reaches out to the institute’s faculty, staff, supporters and friends.

Team Finds Ancient Protein-Building Enzymes Have Evolved Diverse New Functions
Research from the Schimmel lab has uncovered a previously unrecognized layer of biology that could offer new drug targets.

Researchers Identify Gene that Plays a Surprising Role in Combating Aging
The discovery from the Kishi lab could lead to using therapeutics, even some commonly used ones, to manipulate the aging process itself.

Listening to Cells: Ardem Patapoutian at Work
“Our research has relevance to pain, but also to many other biological processes, such as controlling blood pressure, atherosclerosis and glaucoma,” says Professor Ardem Patapoutian.

Grant Supports Development of New Breed of Cancer Treatments
Associate Professor Christoph Rader will be the principal investigator for the new five-year study.


TSRI Faculty Members Rank Among ‘Most Influential Scientific Minds’; Philip Dawson Receives Zervas Award; Linda Sherman Assumes AAI Presidency; Dawn Johnson Joins Economic Council; Cherie Ng Wins NIH Pathway to Independence Award

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