
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Team Solves Decades-Old Mystery of How Cells Keep from Bursting
The findings from the Patapoutian lab may lead to new insights into immune deficiency, stroke and diabetes.

Scientists Provide New Grasp of Soft Touch
The findings from the Patapoutian lab could help scientists understand syndromes in which touch sensations trigger pain.

Researchers Uncover Startling New Functional Details of Common Anti-Diabetic Drugs
The findings from the Kojetin lab could lead to more potent anti-diabetic drugs with fewer serious side effects.

Grant Funds Study of How Exposure to Pain Meds in the Womb Affects Developing Brain
While addiction at birth may lead to impulse control disorders such as ADHD, schizophrenia and addiction, little is known about the underlying biology of that chain of events. TSRI Associate Professor Courtney Miller’s new research aims to change that.


Gabriel Lander Named 2014 Searle Scholar; Facilities, Construction & Engineering Wins McKeown Award

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