
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

New Compound Excels at Killing Persistent and Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
The findings from the Schultz lab may help solve one of today’s major global health crises—the resurgence of the TB, which is unusually well adapted to persist in humans.

Structure from Disorder: Scientists Find New Source of Versatility so ‘Floppy’ Proteins Can Get Things Done
Researchers from the Wright and Deniz labs uncover an important trick used by “intrinsically disordered” proteins to manage complexity.

Researchers Discover Key Signaling Pathway that Makes Young Neurons Connect
Scientists from the Polleux lab identified a molecular program that controls an essential step in the fast-growing brains of young mammals.

Team Points to Brain’s ‘Dark Side’ as Key to Cocaine Addiction
Scientists from the Roberto lab have found evidence that an emotion-related brain region called the central amygdala plays a major role in sustaining cocaine addiction.

Study Shows a Solitary Mutation Can Destroy Critical ‘Window’ of Early Brain Development
The findings from the Rumbaugh lab shed new light on the early development of neural circuits responsible for functions such as sensory perception, planning and decision-making.


Kudos: Valery Fokin Wins Russian ‘Mega-Grant’ Award; Ryan Shenvi Selected as Baxter Young Investigator; Christoph Rader Receives Lymphoma Research Grant; Stephen Connelly Awarded MBA Fellowship; CA Campus Wins Third Bike-to-Work Challenge

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