
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Find Antibody that Transforms Bone Marrow Stem Cells Directly into Brain Cells
The new finding from the Lerner lab points to the possibility of simpler and safer stem cell techniques.

TSRI Appoints Immunology Researcher to Faculty
Assistant Professor Laura Solt studies nuclear receptors, which have been implicated in cancer, metabolic syndrome and several autoimmune diseases.

Scripps Florida’s Small Green Steps Go Far
The Florida Green Team goals for 2013 address a wide range of environmental issues—from green chemistry to eco-responsible vendors.


Kudos: Ryan Shenvi Wins Amgen Young Investigator Award; Cesare Orlandi and Kristine Griffett Named Travel Award Winners; Environmental Services Earns McKeown Award

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