A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at http://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews
Scientists Uncover Previously Unknown Mechanism of Memory Formation A new study led by Assistant Professor Courtney Miller found that a specific microRNA—miR-182—is deeply involved in some types of memory formation.
TSRI and Scripps Clinic Lay Groundwork for Parkinson’s Disease Clinical Trials A team is reprogramming skin cells to become dopamine-producing brain cells.
A New Natural Products Library Comes to Town It has taken Professor Ben Shen about two years to put together a new library of natural products, but now the results are in and he’s excited.
Memory Researcher Joins FL Neuroscience Faculty Assistant Professor Seth Tomchik, who received a National Institute of Mental Health Pathway to Independence Award in 2010, has become a member of the institute’s faculty.
Kudos: Evgenia Nikolova Named Robert Black Fellow; TSRI to Host 24th Frontiers in Chemistry Symposium
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