A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at http://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews
Letter from the President TSRI President and CEO Michael A. Marletta reflects on his first year as president and the year to come.
Scientists Identify Molecules in the Ear that Convert Sound into Brain Signals The work, from the Meuller lab, suggests a new gene therapy approach to some forms of deafness.
Scripps Research Institute Appoints Two Scientists from Harvard Professor Michael R. Farzan and Associate Professor Hyeryun Choe join Scripps Florida.
‘SMART’ Teens Pair Up with TSRI Mentors A day-long event, organized as a mini-science conference, pairs teams from four San Diego high schools with research mentors.
Ten Tips for the Holidays How to let go of “perfect” and enjoy the holiday season.
Kudos: Scripps Research Institute Awarded Four Stars from Charity Navigator; Guillaume Mousseau Receives SRF Travel Award
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