A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at http://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews
Meth Vaccine Shows Promising Results in Early Tests A team from the Taffe and Janda labs is developing a way to block a meth high for addicts committed to recovery.
Genomics Study Shows Ancestry Could Help Solve Disease Riddles The work from the Schork lab should speed the search for the causes of many diseases and provide critical guidance to the genomics field.
New Inhibitors of Elusive Enzymes Promise to Be Valuable Scientific Tools Work from the Cravatt lab paves the way for further studies of enzymes known as diacylglycerol lipases (DAGL) and their ties to inflammation.
First Annual Scripps Florida Mentorship Award Honors John Cleveland “[Mentorship] is the most important part of my job,” says Professor John Cleveland.
Kudos: Gerald Joyce Inducted into American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Aaron Sather and Joseph Jardine Honored for Top Presentations at Lake Arrowhead Retreat; Research Fest Celebrates Seminar and Poster Winners; Ami Cohen, Marcus Muttenthaler and Hui Xiao Win SOF Travel Awards
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