
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Team Wins $77 Million to Develop AIDS Vaccine Center
“Although AIDS drugs have extended the lives of many, an effective HIV vaccine could truly eliminate the threat of HIV in both developing and developed countries,” says Scripps Research Professor Dennis Burton.

Large, Medically Important Class of Proteins Starts to Yield Its Secrets
Five recent Science and Nature papers shed light on elusive GPCRs. More than 50 percent of therapeutic drugs target GPCRs, including allergy and heart medication, drugs that target the central nervous system, and anti-depressants.

Scientists Show Positive Memories Linger Longer
The study from the Davis lab shows fruit fly memories are stronger for positive versus negative reinforcement, and healthy sweets versus empty calories.

Scripps Florida Appoints Innovative Neuroscientist
Assistant Professor Brock Grill’s research is focused on understanding how different events in neuronal development are coordinated on a molecular level.


Kudos: Sotirios Totokotsopoulos Awarded BMS Fellowship




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