
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Find Easier Way to Make New Drug Compounds
The powerful new technique from the Yu lab should appeal to chemists at pharmaceutical companies and research institutions.

Team Develops Alternative to Gene Therapy
The technique from the Barbas lab points to safer, simpler potential HIV treatment.

Researchers Identify Critical ‘Quality Control’ for Cell Growth
The findings from the Karbstein lab have implications for the development of new anti-cancer drugs.

Science Captures Teenager’s Sense of Wonder
“I loved the work,” says intern Lesly Basave. “I wanted to come back.”


Kudos: M.G. Finn Receives Humboldt Research Award; Nicole Schirle Wins Predoctoral Fellowship; BallenIsles Charities Supports Scripps Florida Education Outreach




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