A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at http://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews
Study Reveals How the World’s First Drug for Amyloid Disease Works “The details in this new paper, combined with clinical trial data, show for the first time that an amyloid disease can be successfully treated by reducing the rate of amyloid formation,” says Professor Jeffery W. Kelly.
Esther B. O’Keeffe Foundation Gives $2 Million to Scripps Research “We are delighted to contribute to The Scripps Research Institute’s important scientific and educational work,” says Clare O’Keeffe, executive trustee of the foundation.
Richard A. Lerner Wins Prince of Asturias Award The award, which is shared with British biochemist Sir Gregory Winter, is bestowed for findings that “represent a significant contribution to the progress and welfare of mankind.”
Peter Farrell and Richard Sloane Elected to Board of Trustees San Diego medtech entrepreneur Peter Farrell and Palm Beach real estate executive and entrepreneur Richard Sloane are the newest members of the Scripps Research Board.
Kudos: Francisco Asturias and Claudio Joazeiro Receive Promotions, Ryan Baxter Awarded NIH Fellowship; Keary Engle and Will Gutekunst Win Roche Excellence in Chemistry Awards; Greg Tabor Receives 2012 Ford Fellowship
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