A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at http://www.scripps.edu/newsandviews
Scripps Research Celebrates 20th Commencement The institute held its 20th commencement, granting 40 PhDs, recognizing honorary degree recipient Nobel laureate Manfred Eigen, and featuring Scripps Research President and CEO Michael A. Marletta as the event’s keynote speaker.
New Screening Technique Yields Elusive Compounds A Scripps Research collaboration led by the Mowen lab has found the first chemical compounds that act to block an enzyme linked to inflammatory conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and inflammation-promoted cancers.
Team Awarded $8.4 Million to Develop New Anti-Smoking Treatments Associate Professor Paul Kenny will lead the five-year program project grant to investigate new compounds to help prevent relapse in smokers kicking the habit.
Chi-Huey Wong Awarded Nikkei Asia Prize; Adam Duerfeldt Receives American Cancer Society Fellowship
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