
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Team Identifies Neurotransmitters that Lead to Forgetting
Scientists from the Davis lab have pinpointed a mechanism that is essential for forming memories in the first place and, as it turns out, is equally essential for eliminating them after memories have formed.

Scientists Show How Memory B Cells Stay ‘In Class’ to Fight Different Infections
Researchers from the McHeyzer-Williams lab have made an important discovery about the internal programming of B cells, the immune cells that make antibodies against infections.

Alliance Forges New Approaches to Human Lung Disease
Thanks to new funding, the Balch lab is working with Proteostasis Therapeutics Incorporated in a focused effort to find ways to correct an important biological trigger of cystic fibrosis.

In Memoriam: James A. Fee (1939 – 2012)
“Jim was a very warm and generous person and an outstanding scientist,” said Peter Wright, chair of the Department of Molecular Biology.


Kudos: Parkinson’s Association Presents Check for Stem Cell Research; Keary Engle Receives National Green Chemistry Award




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