
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Develop Antidote for Cocaine Overdose
The results from the Janda lab show the potential for a life-saving injection.

Focusing on the Long Term: A Profile of Dale Boger
Professor Dale Boger and his team explore the chemistry of compounds with medical potential.

Grant Renewal Extends Project Past 30-Year Mark
The Hoch lab will continue its efforts to understand bacterial signaling, thanks to a grant now renewed eight times since it was first awarded in 1973.

Researcher Awarded $1 Million for Stress-Associated Disease and Aging Research
Assistant Professor Shuji Kishi will lead the project, which will develop a range of new tests to identify drug leads.


Kudos: Gerald F. Joyce Elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences




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