
A new issue of the online weekly of The Scripps Research Institute, News&Views, is now available at

In this week's issue:

Scientists Create Compounds that Dramatically Alter Biological Clock and Lead to Weight Loss
The new molecules from the Burris lab could lead to unique treatments for obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and sleep disorders.

Team Finds Promising Vaccine Targets on Hepatitis C Virus
A team led by Assistant Professor Mansun Law has found antibodies that can prevent infection from widely differing strains of hepatitis C virus in cell culture and animal models.

Researchers Shed Light on Age-Related Memory Loss and Possible Treatments
The study, led by Chair of the Department of Neuroscience Ronald Davis, offers insights into the aging brain.

Scientists Win $1 Million Grant to Develop New Tools for Hepatitis C Treatment Discovery
Associate Professor Timothy Tellinghuisen will lead a three-year study to develop high-throughput screening tests to find compounds that disable a protein essential to hepatitis C virus replication.


Kudos: Florida Group Raises $160,000 for Cancer Biology Fellowships; Paper from the MacRae and Carragher-Potter Labs Highlighted in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology; Owen Siggs Wins Found Animals Foundation Award




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