Vol 11. Issue 15 / May 2, 2011


In Brief

Velia Fowler to Speak May 11 in Faculty Lecture Series
Professor Velia Fowler will provide the next presentation in the California campus Faculty Lecture Series, scheduled for Wednesday, May 11, 5 PM in the Timken Amphitheater at Green Hospital. She will speak on "Actin Filament Architecture Constrains Cell Morphology and Physiology." Following the lecture, a reception will be held in the Arnold and Mabel Beckman building, first floor. For further information, see Fowler's Faculty Lecture Series webpage.

Vendor Show to Highlight Local and National Companies
The 21st Society of Fellows (SoF)-sponsored Vendor Show, scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, 9 AM to 2:30 PM, on the Scripps California campus, will feature nearly 100 local and national biotech companies. Showcasing new technologies, the annual event will provide researchers opportunities to compare application and price differences in a wide range of products and services they use daily, according to SoF event co-chairs Mike Matrone and Devin Sok.

One of the largest scientific vendor shows in the San Diego area, the event is open to researchers from Scripps Research and neighboring institutions. "Because we have so many vendors at this event and visitors from various institutions, it offers an opportunity to network and meet other scientists in the community," Sok noted.

Vendor exhibits will be set up in the Immunology and Beckman buildings, and the Immunology Plaza. This year's attendee raffle features new prizes—15 iPod Shuffles—in addition to five $100 Amazon gift cards. Participants who visit at least three vendor tables in each of the show's three sections (nine tables total) are eligible for a raffle prize, including iPod Shuffles and $100 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be determined at the end of the show and will be notified by email.

Event proceeds, expected to reach as much as $75,000, will fund SoF programs, including career development seminars, distinguished lecture series, mentoring lunches, an annual research symposium, and travel awards, as well as the group's social events.

California NWiS Elects New Leadership Team
The California campus Network of Women in Science (NWiS) has elected a new leadership team for the 2011-2012 term. Andrea Zuhl, graduate student in the Cravatt lab, will serve as the organization's chair, supported by new vice chair Lyn'Al Nosaka, research technician in the Sauer lab.

"This year I hope to be able to continue the events that have become central to NWiS, such as our monthly coffee hours, the new faculty happy hour, and the female faculty lecture series," said Zuhl. She would also like to expand the variety of services NWiS provides the Scripps Research community and the network of individuals who benefit from the organization.

"We're so thankful to have had Crystal Moran as our chair this past year; she did a wonderful job," added Nosaka. "Although we plan on keeping the traditional structure of NWiS, specific changes to existing curricula (eg: holding more events and doing more community outreach) are to be discussed at our May coffee hour."

The NWiS May Coffee Hour will be held Monday, May 9, 3 PM, in the Faculty Club library. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Further information is available on the NWIS Facebook page.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu







GreenFeat 2011 Showcases Eco-Friendly Practices and Products

The eco-minded Student Sustainability Initiative (SSI) staffed a table for the first time at this year's Green Feat Expo in California, receiving a steady stream of visitors interested in their efforts. SSI members also provided several environment-focused presentations at the Safety Live! Seminar Green Feat event. (Photo by Cindy Brauer.)

A representative from Seabreeze Organic Farm, a 24-year old San Diego community-supported agricultural concern, explains the farm's techniques to a GreenFeat Expo visitor. (Photo by Cindy Brauer.)

In Florida, Earth Day festivities—
which coincided with "Take Your Child to Work Day"—included the release of fish into the shared pond behind the Scripps Florida buildings. Here, a bucket of fish attracts some attention. (Photo by Carol Swete.)