Vol 11. Issue 3 / January 24, 2010

In Brief

NWiS to Host "Meet the Faculty" Happy Hour
The Network for Women in Science (NWiS) will host a "Happy Hour: Meet the New Faculty" event Tthursday, January 27, 5 PM, in the Faculty Club, Tennis Court room, on the La Jolla, California campus.

Funded by Illumina and Hampton Research, the event is open to anyone in the Scripps Research community interested in meeting new faculty members, particularly new students looking for Ph.D. advisors, postdocs, and established faculty interested in collaborating. In addition, recruiters from Illumina will be available to discuss available positions at the company.

Refreshments, including appetizers and drinks, will be served. New Scripps Research faculty members who plan to attend are asked to RSVP to Heideker, heideker@scripps.edu. For further information on this event and other NWiS information, visit the group's Facebook page.

Workshop Offers Introduction to New Scripps Research Website
Cary Thomas, head of IT Services, will present a workshop Wednesday, January 26, noon to 1 PM, Pacific time (3 PM, Eastern time) on the new, soon-to-be-launched Scripps Research website. Participants on both campuses are invited to attend the presentation, which will be held in the Keck Amphitheater in California, and will be broadcast to the Florida campus. A similar informational session will be held Wednesday, February 16 for California participants; another session for Florida participants will be held at a time to be determined.

Specifically, Thomas will discuss the redesigned website's features, including:
• Improved navigation
• External and internal sites
• Increased functionality
• Easy remote accessing
• Self and auto update tools
• User-friendly 'quick links'
• New back-end technologies
• Inviting, modern look and feel

For more information on the new website, see News&Views article "Scripps Research to Launch New Website" or visit the Webmaster page.

Help Save a Life, Participate in the Blood Drive
Scripps Research will host its annual blood drive Thursday, January 27, 9 AM to 2:30 PM, serving the San Diego County Blood Bank (SDBB).

According to the SDBB, 400 pints of blood must be collected every day to meet the needs of area hospital patients battling life-threatening blood disorders such as aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, and leukemia, as well as those who need blood during trauma situations.

SDBB officials said 35 donors are needed for the Scripps Research blood drive. According to the organization, a person injured in a severe car accident could use 50 pints of blood upon arrival at a hospital. Donated blood expires every 42 days.

Basic blood donor requirements include:
• Generally good health and feeling well the day of donation
• At least 110 lbs. in body weight
• 17-85 years of age

The SDBB Blood Mobile will be parked near building 3377. While walk-up donors are welcomed, reserving a donation time will help streamline the event's activities. To reserve an appointment, visit the SDBB online reservation system. For further details on donating blood, visit the SDBB website.

New English-as-a-Second-Language Series Begins
A new English-as-a-second-language class began Tuesday, January 18. The class, taught by Cassandra Wadkin, meets 6:30 to 8:30 PM every Tuesday evening in the Immunology Building West Conference Room. The price for three months (12 classes) is $60.

Each intermediate-level English class is divided into speaking and listening, idioms and vocabulary, and reading and writing activities. If you would like to improve your English communication skills as well as understand friends and colleagues, movies, television shows, and the news, this class is for you, says Wadkin. She uses movies, games, television shows, grammar books, songs, drawings, and novels to teach standard American English.

For more information, please leave a message at x4-2176.





Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu