Vol 10. Issue 38 / December 13, 2010

In Brief

David Hosfield to Speak in "Meet the Alumni" Series
Scripps Research alumnus David Hosfield, currently director of biology and strategic research alliances at Affinity Pharmaceuticals, will lead a relaxed discussion on Monday, December 13, from 4 to 5 PM as part of the Career & Postdoctoral Services "Meet the Alumni" series. The series provides an opportunity to get to know alumni in a casual setting while learning about specific career options, hearing what opportunities influenced their decisions, and seeking advice for your next career transition. At Affinity, Hosfield directs the company's cell biology and in vivo pharmacology efforts to support its pipeline of tumor-activated pro-drugs. Prior to Affinity, Hosfield worked as a principle scientist for drug discovery and development at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and as senior scientist for Syrrx Inc., a Scripps Research-based structure-based drug-discovery startup. The event will be held in the Faculty Club, where coffee and light snacks will be provided. RSVP required at: http://hris.scripps.edu/training/.

Wanted: Care Package Items for U.S. Troops
Employee volunteer group ScrippsAssists has partnered with Standing Tall Together, a non-profit organization that benefits U.S. soldiers before they deploy and while they are gone. The groups are asking that you donate items for care packages before December 15, so they can be sent to troops this holiday season.

Much-needed items include:

  • Baby wipes, Baby powder
  • Magazines—new and used, for men or women (favorites are gossip and car magazines)
  • Chapstick
  • Sunscreen (SPF 45+), protective scarves or handkerchiefs
  • Beef jerky, etc. (hot, sweet, spicy, plain…)
  • Candy
  • Books, letters, cards (for men or women)
  • Aspirin, acetaminophen, and other pain relief products
  • Powdered vitamin/supplement drinks (eg. Airborne or Emergen-C)
  • Multivitamins (bottles or individual packs)
  • Mouthwash (no bigger than 5 oz.)
  • Toothpaste
  • Coffee (ground or instant)
  • Shampoo, conditioner, anti-bacterial soap (3-5 oz. travel size)
  • Packaged snacks: power bars, nuts, granola bars, raisins, fruit snacks, potato crisps, etc.
  • Powdered drinks: energy drinks, hot cocoa
  • Calling cards
  • One SPECIALTY item needed is "Smart Wool" socks (regular cotton socks will not hold up in the extreme conditions in Afghanistan); these are available through the Standing Tall Together registry at REI (for information, see http://www.rei.com/GiftRegistryDetails/GR1951974?cm_mmc=gift_reg-_-Other-_-announce-_-13Sep2010).

You may send donations via interdepartmental mail to Meghan Munden at mail code IMM-8. For larger items, please contact Meghan or deliver to her in Immunology Room 303. You can also make a cash donation and specify what items or how many pairs of socks ($20 each) you would like your donations to support. Make checks payable to "Standing Tall Together." All donations are tax-exempt. To receive an official receipt for tax purposes, please include your mailing address with your check or contact Meghan for itemized donations. For more information, please contact Meghan at (858) 699-5040 or mmccann44@gmail.com or stop by Immunology Room 303.



Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu