Library Tip: SciFinder Is Moving to the Web December 1
The Kresge Library staff would like to remind the Scripps Research community that the SciFinder client software is being phased out by CAS and replaced by a web version. As of December 1, all access to SciFinder at Scripps Research will be via the web version only. For more information, see or contact the Kresge Library Help Desk, x4-8705 or
Lunch & Learn: "Mind and Body"
Danica Edelbrock, registered yoga therapist and specialist in exercise physiology at Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine, will speak on "Mind and Body: Reconnecting through the Practice of Yoga," on Tuesday, November 16, from noon to 1 PM as part of the ongoing Lunch & Learn seminar series on the California campus. Join this lunchtime seminar to: learn about the physical and mental benefits of yoga; discover the different types of yoga and what styles might be right for you; find out ways to practice yoga any time, any place; and hear about practical postures for the work place. The event, arranged by The Office of Counseling and Psychological Services, will take place in the Committee Lecture Hall.