Vol 10. Issue 29 / October 4, 2010

In Brief

Library Tip: SciFinder Moves to the Web
SciFinder users: do you have a SciFinder web account? As of December 1, all SciFinder access for Scripps Research will be on the web version because Chemical Abstracts Service is discontinuing the client version. The Kresge Library has extended the transition period to allow everyone sufficient time to get acquainted with the web platform. To register for your SciFinder web account, please go to: http://www.scripps.edu/library/scifinderwebregistration.html

If you have any questions regarding this change to SciFinder access, or to request a tutorial on how to run your favorite client-based searches on the web, please contact Aileen Chang at helplib@scripps.edu or (858) 784-8705.

Recycling in a Single Stream
Scripps California Environmental Services has begun a three-month "single-stream recycling" pilot project in the Dorris Neuroscience Center building located on the east side of the La Jolla campus.

Single-stream recycling allows users to place all recyclables, including mixed paper, small cardboard boxes, glass beverage bottles, plastic containers (one to seven), lab recyclables, and aluminum, into marked blue containers (large cardboard boxes can still be placed outside the labs in the hallways). Single-stream recycling eliminates the sorting function required by previous recycling operations. In addition, single-stream recycling offers major benefits, including an increased recycling rate (typically by 10 to 30 percent), fewer recycling containers, and a streamlined communication process.

Goals of the program include:

  • Raising the recycling diversion rate at single-stream locations to 40 percent
  • Improving faculty, student, staff, and visitor access to recycling receptacles
  • Creating a user-friendly system
  • Issuing and communicating clear recycling guidelines to the Scripps Research community

During the pilot project, Environmental Services will test the single-stream method, while simultaneously exploring ways to reduce costs and improve performance. In January 2011, the pilot project will be evaluated to determine its applicability throughout the La Jolla campus.

For questions or comments, please contact Mario Osornio at x4-2818 or osorniom@scripps.edu.

Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu