Vol 10. Issue 24 /August 16, 2010

In Brief

Needed: Normal Blood Donors
Because of the continuing success of the Scripps Research Normal Blood Donor Service (NBDS), the NBDS now urgently needs to expand the pool of donors who can provide blood to meet the anticipated demand.

Donors are immediately compensated with a minimum of $25 and a maximum of $100 for a single draw, depending on the quantity of blood needed.

To qualify as a normal blood donor, individuals must meet the following criteria:

  • Be between 18 and 65 years of age
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds (50 kg)
  • Have blood pressure between 90-180 mm Hg systolic and 50-100 mm Hg diastolic
  • Not have undergone major surgery within the past six months
  • Score adequately on recent hemoglobin testing
  • Screen negative for HIV and Hepatitis B and C, upon entry into the program and every year after that
  • Not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication on a daily basis

General information about the Scripps Research NBDS is available at http://www.scripps.edu/researchservices/nbd/. More detailed information, including forms for becoming a paid donor, is available at http://nbd.scripps.edu/. Priscilla Crisler, Scripps Research NBDS coordinator can be reached by email at corelab@scripps.edu, by telephone at (858) 652-5418, or by fax at (858) 652-5556.

Got Manuscripts?
Do you need to have your fellowship application or manuscript reviewed? Editors are ready to look over your drafts!

The Career & Postdoctoral Services coordinates a volunteer peer editing service, the Scripps Research Council of Scientific Editors, to help Scripps Research postdocs and graduate students on both campuses write high quality papers and fellowships. This program is a result of feedback from graduate students, faculty, and postdocs during the institute's reaccreditation process.

The Career & Postdoctoral Services Office matches requests for editing based on reviewer expertise and availability. To have your manuscript or fellowship reviewed:

  1. Send an email to rwheeler@scripps.edu with your name, position (postdoc/grad student), department, lab, scientific area, and brief description of your submission.
  2. Attach your document to the email.
  3. The Career & Postdoc Office will attempt to match your request to an available reviewer with similar scientific and/or proposal expertise.
  4. The editor will contact you to discuss your document (generally within one week).

The Scripps Research Council of Scientific Editors is intended to supplement, not supplant, the scientific communication mentoring that trainees receive from their advisors, by formalizing an additional review option benefiting both the volunteer peer reviewers and the researchers who use the service. There is no charge for the service and the program duration is indefinite.

Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu