Vol 10. Issue 12 / April 5, 2010

In Brief

Ronald Milligan to Speak in Faculty Lecture Series
Professor Ronald Milligan will speak on "Mechanisms of Molecular Motors" on Wednesday, April 14, as part of the Faculty Lecture Series. The lecture will take place in the Timken Amphitheater (Green Hospital), 10666 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, at 5 PM, with a reception to follow in the Arnold and Mabel Beckman building, first floor. For more information, see Milligan's Faculty Lecture Series web page.

NWiS Coffee Hour: "The REAL Scientific Method"
If you've taken Bio 101, you know that paradigm-shifting discoveries come about like all the other ones – through rigorous application of the scientific method! Now that you are a full-fledged member of the scientific community, however, you may be wondering... Is that really how science progresses? Is that the whole story, or are there other key elements? What role do our brains and expectations play? Is there any way to get better at learning new truths in the physical world?

Join the Network for Women in Science (NWiS) coffee hour on Monday April 5 at 3 PM to discuss just these kinds of questions! Whether you're killing time until your Nobel prize shows up or you seem to be struggling to make a breakthrough, group members would love to have you participate in the next NWiS coffee hour! The Wired Magazine article that inspired this coffee hour discussion, which will be led by graduate student Crystal Moran, is called "Accepting Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up". The discussion will be held in the Faculty Club Tennis Room. Coffee and snacks will be provided. This event, like all NWiS events, is open to all of Scripps Research and group members welcome male colleagues. Read more about NWiS and this event on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=143364170746.

Career Workshop Series: "Making the Most of Your Presentation"
Physicist and trainer Jean-Luc Doumont will give a seminar "Making the Most of Your Presentation" on Wednesday, April 7, from 1:30 to 3 PM, as part of the Career Workshop Series. The lecture will propose a systematic way to prepare and deliver presentations. Among other topics, he will cover structure, slides, and delivery, as well as stage fright. The event, sponsored by the Society of Fellows, the Kellogg School of Science and Technology, and the Postdoctoral Services Office, will be held in the Keck Amphitheater, Beckman Center.

Career Workshop Series: "Career Adventures Beyond the Bench"
The Society of Fellows and the Career and Postdoctoral Services Office is sponsoring a panel discussion, "Career Adventures Beyond the Bench," on Wednesday, April 14, from 1:30 to 3 PM. Panelists will share practical advice related to their own career transitions and speak about their current jobs, opportunities in the field, helpful training, and where to find more information. A question and answer session and networking reception will follow. The panelists will be:

  • Heather Buschman, scientific writer and liaison, Consortium for Functional Glycomics, Scripps Research
  • Scott Forrest, director, Business and Technology Development, Scripps Research
  • Kohl Gill, technologist for transparency, social and environmental sustainability
  • Lucy M. Stark, associate, Irell & Manella LLP
  • Jessica Yingling, director, Corporate Communications, Fate Therapeutics

The event will be held in the Keck Amphitheater of the Beckman Building. No RSVP is required. Refreshments will be provided.

Scripps Florida ResearchFest Debuts
The Scripps Florida Society of Research Fellows is hosting the first annual ResearchFest on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, from 10 AM to 5 PM. The event, which will be held in the Jupiter campus's Building B, combines research presentations by postdoctoral fellows and graduate students with a scientific vendor show. The schedule will proceed as follows:

  • 9 to 10 AM: Registration
  • 10 AM to noon: Poster session I
  • noon to 1 PM: Lunch break
  • 1 to 3 PM: Postdoctoral fellow talks
  • 3 to 5 PM: Poster session II

The vendor show will take place from 10 AM to 5 PM. For more information on the Scripps Florida Society of Research Fellows and its events, see the group's website.

New Calendar System Goes Live on California Campus
Information Technology Services is pleased to announce that Scripps California will be launching the new web-based Calendar and Room Reservation System on Monday, April 5. The new system will replace the Outlook system that has been used for the past few years.

Many room reservations have been moved to the new system. The remainder of the existing reservations will be moved by IT Services for the launch. The existing reservations added by IT Services are highlighted in red on the "California General" calendar. If this includes one of your events, please contact one of the people at the end of this announcement for assistance in getting that event finalized.

If you have not yet been able to attend a class on the new system, you will have the opportunity to attend one the classes that have been added by the Human Resources Training Office. Go to: http://hris.scripps.edu/training/class/CAL0110CAL to sign up for a class.

Requests for updating recurring reservations will be sent out after the system is up and running. Florida events will be converted to the new system later this spring.

To log onto the new system to view all of the calendars or make a room reservation, go to: http://www.scripps.edu/calendar/ (your login is your email user name and the password is your email password). For assistance, contact Jann Coury, jcoury@scripps.edu or x4-8245: Amy MacDonald, amy@scripps.edu or x4-9369; Sharlene Stanfield, sharlene@scripps.edu or x4-7382.

Scripps Research Celebrates Sustainability
The Scripps Research Green Team is pleased to host sustainability events on both the La Jolla, California and Jupiter, Florida campuses.

Green Feat 2010: "Reducing Footprints, One Step at a Time" is a two-day event on the La Jolla campus promoting environmentally sustainable efforts and practices within the Scripps Research community and commemorating the 41st annual Earth Day. It includes:

  • Green Expo, on Thursday, April 15. The Green Expo, which will be held on the Immunology Building breezeway from 11 AM to 1 PM, will feature educational booths from Scripps Research groups—including Environmental Services, the Society of Fellows, and the Scripps Research Green Team, as well as employee volunteer group ScrippsAssists—showcasing projects that work towards sustainable campus operations and how you can participate. In addition, some two dozen environmentally friendly agencies, organizations and vendors—from Birch Aquarium to the Water Conservation Garden, from Think Blue San Diego to California Center for Sustainable Energy—will provide information and advice.
  • Free Home E-Waste Collection and Drop Off, on Wednesday, April 21. Safely and sustainably disposing of personal e-waste often requires users to pay a fee—but not at this year's Green Feat e-waste event, which will be held at the CimBio (Carr B) building, 3215 Merryfield Row, San Diego, CA 92121, from 8 AM to 1 PM. Scripps Research employees can drop off personal home office electronic waste, including computer devices (terminals, monitors, keyboards, wires, etc.), laptops (batteries included), scanners, printers, fax machines, radios, and stereo equipment, VCRs and DVD players, TVs, and cell phones (batteries included). Recycling your e-waste will divert hazardous materials from landfills, conserve natural resources, and reduce pollution.

For more information, including a list of organizations represented at the Green Expo event, see the Green Feat 2010 website.

Earth Day celebrations on the Jupiter campus will focus on achievements in recycling, ongoing sustainability efforts, and future initiatives for energy reduction. Activities and prizes on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, include:

  • Energy Savings or Green Chemistry Suggestions Contest. Five pairs of tickets to the new Disney nature movie Oceans will be awarded for the five best energy savings or green-chemistry suggestions.
  • Breath of Fresh Air. One hundred live oak trees will be made available to employees from a local Florida tree farm.
  • Tree Planting. One tree will be planted with an Earth Day plaque, as a symbol of Scripps Florida's sustainable contribution to the future of this planet.
  • Carbon Footprint Contest: The online "Black Feet to Green Feat" contest raises awareness and provides a quick estimate of overall personal energy use and abuse. The grand prize will be a $75 Greenwise gift certificate (local organic market); runner-up, a $25 certificate; most improved from 2009, $25 certificate; and last place, an Energy-Fuelish award.
  • Free Home E-Waste Drop Off: Employees will be able to dispose of personal e-waste one time at this year's Green Feat. Home e-waste includes: computers, monitors, keyboards, wires, batteries, fax machines, printers, radios, stereos, VCRs, DVDs, TVs, and cell phones. Recycling e-waste diverts hazardous materials from landfills, conserves natural resources, and reduces pollution. Drop-off will be the EH&S golf cart located in front of Building B.

Employees should stay tuned for more details.

News&Views Pauses for Spring Break
News&Views will not be published next week due to Spring Break. Regular, weekly publication will resume with the April 19 issue.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu