Vol 9. Issue 31 / October 19, 2009


SOS Toastmasters Group Celebrates First Decade
Scripps Outstanding Speakers (SOS) Toastmasters is turning 10 years old! Chartered in 1999, SOS Toastmasters has trained more than 110 members, helping them to increase their confidence, seminar, and leadership skills. The group is part of Toastmasters International, a worldwide communications and leadership training organization.

"We are a friendly and supportive group of individuals from all career and cultural backgrounds," says Scripps Research Technology Development Officer Mathew Mitchell, vice president of public relations for the group. "We meet weekly to practice and refine our communication and English language skills. Please come and be our guest at any meeting."

SOS Toastmasters meets the first three Tuesdays of each month at noon in the Beckman Building in the third floor conference room. For more information, check out the club website at: http://sostoastmasters.wordpress.com/

California Campus Seasonal Flu Shots Postponed
The seasonal flu vaccine clinic to be held on the California campus on Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20 has been postponed until such time as the vaccine is available. Like many other health providers, the institute's vaccine administrator Health Fax has not received its anticipated shipment of the seasonal flu vaccine from the manufacturer. As you may have seen reported by various news outlets, many of the large vaccine manufacturers are experiencing delays involving the seasonal flu vaccine as they are trying to produce both the seasonal and H1N1 vaccines.

Benefits staff hope to reschedule the seasonal flu vaccine clinic for the early part of November, before the typical peak flu season in January and February. They are also continuing to monitor the availability of the H1N1 vaccine and, if possible, will administer both shots during one clinic.

If you are in a high risk group, you may also consider receiving your flu shots (seasonal and H1N1) through your medical provider. Flu vaccines are a covered benefit under all Scripps Research medical plans.

At this time, it is anticipated the Florida campus seasonal flu shot clinic on November 10 will be held as scheduled.

If you have any questions, please contact Benefits Administration at (858) 784-8487 or benefits@scripps.edu.

Upcoming Onsite Clinics
On Monday, October 19, Wednesday, October 21, and Friday, October 22, personnel from Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group will be onsite to conduct TB screenings, hepatitis B immunizations, serum draws, and tetanus immunizations.

The clinics will be conducted in the 3366 Building, in Room 325, on the third floor, from 11 AM to 2 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

No appointments are necessary. TB screening requires a 48 to 72 hour follow-up. Individuals receiving the TB screen on Monday will need to return on Wednesday, and individuals screened on Wednesday, will need to return on Friday. Initiation of the TB screening process will not be available on Friday, but hepatitis B immunization, serum draws, and tetanus immunizations will be. To learn more about these programs, see the Environmental Health & Safety Occupational Medicine web page.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu