Vol 8. Issue 27 / September 22, 2008

In Brief

Lunch & Learn: "Presidential Trivia"
Richard Lederer, best-selling author and verbivore emeritus of KPBS's "A Way With Words," will speak on "Presidential Trivia" as part of the ongoing employee Lunch & Learn seminar series on Thursday, September 25, from noon to 1 PM. Speaking from his latest book, Presidential Trivia: The Feats, Fates, Families, Foibles, and Firsts of Our American Presidents, Lederer will share intriguing firsts, mosts, onlys, patterns, and quizzes about American presidents, vice presidents, and first ladies.

The event, sponsored by the Counseling and Psychological Services Department, will be held in the Keck Amphitheater of the Beckman Building. Lederer's books will be available for purchase at the workshop or bring your book from home for a personal inscription.

Tired of Paying for Gas? Learn about RideLink
In response to the high price of gas, the Scripps Research Benefits group has arranged for a lunchtime seminar by Deborah Jones, account executive at RideLink, who will speak on the organization's programs on Monday, September 29, from 1 to 2 PM. RideLink, a division of the San Diego regional planning association SANDAG, assists commuters with transit options, including a regional vanpool program, ride-matching services, a guaranteed ride home program, and regional bicycle lockers. The presentation will be held in W. M. Keck Foundation Amphitheater in the Beckman Building, Scripps Research La Jolla campus.

For more information on commuting options, see also the Scripps Research Benefits Transit webpage at http://www.scripps.edu/hr/benefits/transit.html.

California Emergency Hotline Reminders
CAMPUS STATUS HOTLINE—(858) 784-7000: The Scripps Research administration reminds California employees that in any regional emergency the campus's emergency hotline—(858) 784-7000—is available with a recorded message on the work status of the campus. The institute's web site and email system will continue to be another source of information. Also in the event of a regional disaster, 2-1-1 is another important number to know. The 2-1-1 number provides information about community, health, and disaster services in San Diego County; for more information, see http://www.211sandiego.org/.

FOR CAMPUS EMERGENCY, DIAL "77": In the event of an emergency on the California campus, employees should contact the security console operator located at the Beckman Center front entrance. All telephones are set up so that when you dial "77" you will automatically be connected with this security operator. When you dial "77," the security operator will answer, take some preliminary information, and then tell you to hold while he/she transfers you to the 911 operator. It is important that you not hang up during this transfer; the line will be silent until the 911 operator answers (this may take over a minute). During your call, other members of the Scripps Research Emergency Response Team will be alerted, so they can also provide assistance.

All Scripps California telephones should have a sticker reminding you to use the "77" number in the event of an emergency. If you have any questions or concerns about reporting a campus emergency, or need a new sticker for your phone, please contact Environmental Health & Safety at x4-8240.

Upcoming Onsite Clinics
On Monday, September 22, Wednesday, September 24, and Friday, September 26, personnel from Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group will be onsite to conduct TB screenings, hepatitis B immunizations, serum draws, and tetanus immunizations.

The clinics will be conducted in the 3366 Building, in Room 325, on the third floor, from 11 AM to 2 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

No appointments are necessary. TB screening requires a 48 to 72 hour follow-up. Individuals receiving the TB screen on Monday will need to return on Wednesday, and individuals screened on Wednesday, will need to return on Friday. Initiation of the TB screening process will not be available on Friday, but hepatitis B immunization, serum draws, and tetanus immunizations will be. To learn more about these programs, see the Environmental Health & Safety Occupational Medicine web page.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu