Vol 7. Issue 25 / September 10, 2007

In Brief

Lunch & Learn: "Keeping Our Children Safe in a Digital Age"
Laurie Gunn, a San Diego deputy district attorney involved in the San Diego Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, will speak on "Keeping Our Children Safe in a Digital Age," on Thursday, September 27, noon to 1 PM, as part of the ongoing Lunch & Learn seminar series. Gunn will provide a wealth of information and strategies for parents to protect their children in our growing digital age. The event, which has been arranged by the Office of Counseling & Psychological Services, will be held in the Keck Amphitheater of the Beckman Building, La Jolla.

Library Tip: MDL Mentor Databases
Kresge Library staff are pleased to announce the campus-wide availability of the MDL Mentor Databases. The Elsevier suite of MDL Mentor databases includes:

  • Available Chemicals Directory (ACD)
  • ChemInform Reaction Library
  • Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry (CMC)
  • MDL Drug Data Report (MDDR)
  • MDL Metabolite database
  • MDL Toxicity database
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • Organic Syntheses (ORGSYN)
  • Reference Library of Synthetic Methodology (Reflib)
  • Screening Compounds Directory (MDL-SCD)
  • Solid Phase Organic Reactions (SPORE)

To access the database, download the ISIS/Base client software at: http://www.scripps.edu/library/software/mdl_mentor/. Or from the Scripps Research web site main page, select "Library," then "MDL Mentor" under "Software Downloads." The client is available for PC only.

Library staff are available to assist with the installation of the client software if needed. Please contact x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu to make an appointment. In addition, the staff would appreciate feedback regarding these databases. Due to its high subscription cost, the databases may not be renewed if their usage is not commensurate with the cost, so they would like to know if the Mentor databases are important or useful for your research.

If you have further questions about the MDL Mentor Databases, contact Aileen Chang at x4-8705 or helplib@scripps.edu.

Reminder: Dial "77" in an Emergency
The Scripps Research administration reminds California employees that in the event of a campus emergency, you should contact the security console operator located at the Beckman Center front entrance. All telephones are set up so that when you dial "77" you will automatically be connected with this security operator. All Scripps California telephones should have a sticker reminding you to use the "77" number in the event of an emergency.

When you dial "77," the security operator will answer, take some preliminary information, and then tell you to hold while he/she transfers you to the 911 operator. It is important that you not hang up during this transfer; the line will be silent until the 911 operator answers (this may take over a minute). If you get disconnected, the security operator will not be able to reconnect you with the 911 operator, but the security operator will remain connected with the 911 operator. With the connection between the 911 operator, the security operator, and you, there will be a three-way conversation to communicate specific information concerning the emergency. Stay on the line until the 911 operator releases you. While you are on the line, the security operator will be alerting other members of the Scripps Research Emergency Response Team, so they can also provide assistance.

If you have any questions or concerns about reporting a campus emergency, or need a new sticker for your phone, please contact Environmental Health & Safety at x4-8240

Lunchtime Yoga Session Added on Tuesdays
Instructor Pia Weber's yoga classes on the Scripps Research California campus are now also available on Tuesdays, in addition to Thursdays.

All yoga classes are held in the Immunology East conference room:

  • Tuesdays, 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
  • Thursdays: 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM (no class first Thursday of the month)

All ages and levels welcome. Bring a yoga mat or towel, loose fitting clothes, and an empty stomach. The cost remains: one drop-in class, $12; 6 classes for $60 ($10 each); 11 classes for $99 ($9 each). Contact Pia Weber at pia_1997@yahoo.com or (858) 623-0318 for further information.


Send comments to: mikaono[at]scripps.edu






Posters and Talks Showcase Work of Graduate Students

Top: The annual Kellogg School of Science and Technology Student-Faculty retreat September 7 gave graduate students an opportunity to present their work and exchange ideas with faculty. Bottom: Scripps Research trustee A. Brent Eastman (left), medical director of Scripps Health, chatted with Associate Dean Jamie Williamson and others at the retreat luncheon.